Chapter 2

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( Before I start this chapter, I just wanted to let you know that if word are surrounded by this        'random phrase', it means someone is thinking)

-Avengers Tower-
-Tony's POV-
I was looking at some old documents when I saw something interesting "Is this- no this can't be right" I say as I stare in disbelief at the file before me, how could my parents never tell me I had a sister? Apparently she was adopted not long after she was born. I can't believe it, I still have a family alive somewhere, and by the looks of it she lives in New York! It says here she has 3 kids, 1 of them adopted, I'll have to find the file on them.

The first file I found was on her youngest child, Estella Blofis, she only one so there's nothing much in her file. The second one I found was on her eldest; Percy Jackson, and HOLY SHIZZ, his record was ANYTHING about spotless. His been kicked of 7 schools, gone missing TWICE, NOT ONCE TWICE, and it says here he fell off the ST. Louis arc when he was 12, NO ONE could have survived a fall like that, but somehow this kid did. Honestly, the last thing I would want to do is meet a kid who probably a criminal.

The last file was on her adopted daughter,     (y/n) Jackson, she was adopted by Sally when she was 4, but she didn't get to live with them until about a week ago. I thought maybe she was like Percy, a troubled kid who did some bad things, but turns out I was wrong. In her file it says she's been at a music school in Italy sense she was 4, she must be truly gifted to have gotten into that school at the age of 4.

I kept reading her file and found out a lot more about her. She's a prodigy on the violin, piano, and the harp, she can speak fluently in 6 languages; English, Spanish, Greek, Italian, French, and even Latin! This kids a freaking genius! Apparently she also has a black belt in karate, can do ASL, and knows brail. 'This kid could be useful with the avengers, heck, if Natasha taught her some stuff about being a spy, she could be one of the greatest avengers of all time!', I thought. " I've got to get in contact with Sally and see if I can meet this girl!", and so off I went to find Sally's number, 'I wonder what this (y/n) girl is like.'

(I hope you liked this chapter! I might update again tonight, but if I don't I'll update tomorrow. Bye for now!)

A sea of Mystery (Avengers x Percy Jackson) Nico Di Angelo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now