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☘Go collecting for rocks and bones

☘Spend a day in the forest

☘Go mushroom picking

☘Collect different flowers

☘Make flower crowns

☘Mess around in the mud

☘Have a tug of war in the mud

☘ Build a mud/sand castle 

☘Climb trees

☘ Magnet fishing 

☘If you like bugs, why not go out and catch them.

☘Start taking care of a plant

☘Finger Painting

☘Paper Mache 

☘Make a nest on your bed made out of blankets and pillows

☘Build a fort out of sticks and logs

☘Create a windchime out of sticks 


☘Brew homemade tea

☘Carve something out of wood

☘Take a nap in a hammock

☘If you can access a four wheeler or any similar vehicle  go out and drive it

☘Practice throwing throwing knives/axes at a target. 

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