Part 1 - Morana

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I know that I'm the daughter of the Alpha King. I also know that I'm the daughter of the first vampire queen. And know that I'm the only know product between both of the species, but just because I am doesn't mean that I'm not going to act like a teenager.

I know that these are supposed to be my future citizens, but like what the fuck. Let me be a child while I'm a child, it's not like I'm a 2,000 year old vampire already because it's in my genes.

I guess that's kind of what led me to going to one of the parties, but on the other hand, I probably would have gone anyway. There is no way that I would pass up the chance to go to a party.

Maybe even finally getting that free drink with a girl who owes me. I can't say that I haven't looked forward to it.

The rebelling always comes first though, so when my dad had called me into his office to talk about the matter of me still acting like a "child" in his words, I stormed out but not after so kindly reminding him that I was in fact still a child but of course he only remembers that smallest bit of that childhood. You know, work and all.

After that conversation, he only really fueled the rage that had already been brewing for the last week. Did you know that when humans are turned to vampires, it automatically gives them anger issues? Also, lets not forget the humas that already had them before being turned, just like my mother.

Being know so much really isn't the best because you know the people that think that they were all it, and you were nothing compared to them. There are a lot of those girls at my school. You would think that being so high on the social ladder would ward them off, but apparently not. To bad I'm not allowed to fight any of them, according to my dad. Hence the buildup of rage.

Stumbling up the stairs in really a blind rage, I could hear my little sister Nyx quickly following after, no doubt hiding in some corner listening to the whole argument with dad.

Opening my bedroom door, I let it slam into the wall before walking into my closet, because you know I have to add the dramatics.

"Morana, where are you going? You know that after you and dad fight, he always wants you to stay home. You always get into trouble when you go out mad, and he says that it makes him look bad. The people will complain that he doesn't know how to control you." She says, her voice heavy with worry. That girl really needs to quit with the eavesdropping.

I quickly keep going around my closet, snatching up the pair of black ripped jeans off my floor and the black tube top next to it. I just want to get out of this god forsaken castle. I'm putting of the black knee-high leather boots when Nyx says my name again.

"Morana I'm serious, you can get into big trouble if you leave. You know how upset dad gets when you don't listen to him." She states, and you can hear the worry seeping into her voice.

"If your so worried, then why don't you run off to daddy dearest already, Nyx? You're acting Like I don't into trouble with dad already 3 times a week. It's nothing new. I don't even know why you're so worried. It's just going to be like very other time I go out. I'm going to get hammered, dance with a random chick off of the dance floor then go home. It a forever repeating cycle."

"I'm still worried because I know that you at like you don't care, while I know for a fact that you do. It hurts for more every time that dad bring you into that office, just to lecture you to act more serious, to act like a princess, when you just want him to hug you and say how proud of you he is! I know for a fact that it hurts you because I'm always the one that takes care of you when you come home, sobbing telling me these things. You act like I'm not here and that you're not telling me these things!"

By the end of her rant, anyone could tell that she was on the verge of tears. But then again, if Nyx was really paying attention, she would tell that by this point, I am so blinded by my emotions that nothing was really going to change my mind, not even my little sister bearing her emotions to me for once.

So when I say this to my beautiful little sister's face, I don't even feel any remorse. I don't feel any sadness for the way her wonderful face, resembling our father shatters like a mirror falling onto the ground. "Well I don't remember asking for you to take care of me, much less give a fuck. Why don't you just go sit with wonder dad in his office. Things would be so much easier for me if you just acted like him."

Just after finishing talking my shoe clasps, and I snatch up my leather jacket that's hanging on my door. "Now fuck off Nyx and mind your goddamn business."

That was the last thing I said to my little sister while I was alive.


When I arrive at the club, I'm finally beginning to taste the bitterness of the words I said to my sister, but I really still can't find it in my heart to care.

I head to the bar right away, ready for a drink 3 days ago. Walking over, I can feel the shift in the air when the people near me realize who I am. I have no doubt that by tomorrow that news of me being here will be everywhere.

Especially the reason as to why I'm here.

As I near the bartender, I see him already standing there waiting for me. "Vodka with pineapple juice." He doesn't even say anything before he runs to make my drink. I turn to look around the club.

The place isn't as busy as I would have thought, but its still early and it is the best place in the whole country, so I have no doubt that it will fill in soon enough.

"Here is your drink, princess. Is there anything else that I may get you tonight?" I hear him say, the anxiety easily noticeable. "No, this will be fine for now, but thank you."

As soon as I say that I walk into the crowd of people that was already there, looking for my partner for the night.

I spot the woman that I had been with the last time I was here and knowing the type of person she was and what she promised me I was eager to head her way.

On the way over, I guess I really wasn't paying that much attention to my surroundings. You would think me growing up in a castle being trained to protect myself would have come in handy at the time, but I had no idea what was happening.

I didn't know what was happening when a man had grabbed me from behind, and I still didn't know what was happening when he was dragging me into the ally next to the club.

Only did I finally have some recollection of what was happening when I felt the pinch of the needle in the back of my neck I understood what I was happening.

I was dropped to the ground when I felt the pinch, and I heard the guy running but I was really more focused on what he had just put into me. I could feel myself becoming drowsy and could heard the slowing of my heart.

Only did I realize right now that I truly made a huge mistake, and the one mistake was going to end my life.

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