chapter one

9 2 3

3rd persons pov






                        it was a refreshing morning for the girl with a beige tote bag who entered in her workplace around 6:08 in the morning, coming in with a gentle smile on her face as she put her tote bag in her designated place which is the counter. getting ready for her work, she silently puts on her black apron and went to the entrance door to flip the once closed sign into open. she hums a tone she knows too well while walking away from the entrance door and back to the counter, she then starts to clean her counter for a little bit then went to the back room where she does her work. she placed the things that are needed in a manner where she and her other workmates can work on it much easier and grab it easier. it was around 6:30 when she finished getting all the things ready in her workplace, which is a coffee shop. 

                       it was almost 7 in the morning and y/n is waiting for her workmates to come, she sits on the counter, tapping her fingers while her other hand was cupping her cheek, boredom washing over her. she then heard a jingle coming from the entrance door, she took a glance from where she was sitting and saw two of her workmates coming in, giving them a little wave while they wave back and a little smile dancing on their features. 




                    "y/n-san! good morning!" said a very energetic orange head. "good morning to you too, shoyo. and you too, tobio." i greeted calmly with a small smile, "good morning y/n san." greeted tobio back.

                      shoyo hinata and tobio kageyama. they are my kouhai's in my work, the two of them were looking for part-time jobs and a friend of mine, which is actually their coach for their sport which is volleyball, recommended them this place to apply. it was quite hectic at first because none of them knows how things work, but after a month of teaching them on how to handle things, they slowly but surely started to do things better, and now its their 4th month of being here in the coffee shop and they really improved a lot, some costumers even find them entertaining because of their constant bickering and teasing. but nonetheless, i am lucky to have them, at least the atmosphere here in the coffee shop got really warm and fun.

                      "hey shoyo, do you know why tsukki and yama didn't stop by in the shop for the past week?" i asked the tangerine since tsukki and yamaguchi are regular costumers here, they go here almost everyday. "oh well, tsukishima said something about applying as an assistant for an author..? and well as for yama, he's out of town since last week to visit his grandparents." replied shoyo. "assistant for an author.. do you have any idea who the author is shoyo?" i got pretty curious about who, since tsukki really isn't the type of person to get along with other people, he has some exceptions of course. "ah about that, he didn't tell us who!" shoyo exclaimed with an annoyed expression, tsukki really isn't one to tell.

                      its now around 11:48am almost 12, and shoyo and tobio's shift ends at 3pm because they have volleyball practice, besides their constant fighting, they actually get along very well in court, since i watched some of their games, i even remember one time where shoyo spotted me on the stands and shouted my name, it was really embarrassing, but i waved hi to him. after the game ended, shoyo dragged me to meet his team and not gonna lie, they all look so hot. someone named atsumu even attempted to flirt with me but tobio-kun slapped his head. then there's this guy, who's very quiet and reserved he only nodded at me as his sign of greeting but was forced to speak to name himself, which was sakusa. then there's this loud guy, though he's really fun to be with and he even complimented my hair his name was bokuto, he introduced himself so loud i, would never forget his name. bokuto has someone with him though, he said it was his bestfriend, he didn't talk, nor seemed interested about what's happening, he's quiet just like sakusa-san, but let me tell you this, he's really beautiful. i didn't pay attention to bokuto when he was introducing his bestfriend because we actually made eye contact while he talked about him. he smiled at me, and at that very moment, my heart fluttered, my heart suddenly started beating fast, i was flustered so i looked away. until now, i couldn't get his smile off my mind.

                     it was now 2:54 in the afternoon, shoyo and tobio are getting ready for practice they have all their things in their bags, i also gave them their daily treat, i give them different kinds of pastries we have in the coffee shop because they work really hard. the treat that i'll give them today is gonna be 2 pieces of cinnamon rolls packed in a white and beige colored box with our workplaces logo at the very center. the two of them took the box with an expression that shouts grateful and thankful. i shooed them away and gave each one of them a pat on their heads and said goodluck to them as they walked away, their bodies slowly getting smaller and smaller each step, the feeling of being alone greatly hits my whole being as i turned away from the entrance, slowly walking back to the counter.






ah, another costumer, better get back to work.

"hello good afternoon ma'am! welcome to coffeefuzzy, what can i get for you?"

"one caramel frappé and a slice of moist chocolate cake please!" 

"one caramel frappé and a slice of moist chocolate cake will be served within 5 to 7 minutes!"


caramel frappé is one of my favorite coffee drinks out there.

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