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"Don't worry, Claire. I can help you get rid of this demon."

"How? How can you help me, mother?"

"Just follow me, I'll show you where to go and what you need to do."


Claire followed the spirit of her mother into the attic of her home. She grabbed the things her mother instructed her to get and brought them into the basement.

"Mother, what are you making me do exactly?"

"Just do as I say, Claire. And all will be well."

She did as her mother told her and drew a pentagram on the floor with chalk and placed candles at each corner of the star and began to recite the chant her mother told her;

"O daemon inferni. Advoco te ad adiuvandum me in tempore necessitatis. Dono tibi animam: vel sacrificium pro solutione. Tua officia quantumvis sumptus posco, te voco, fac opificem."

She recited the words in Latin. The lights went out and a demon appeared before her.

"W-who are you?"

"I am Oraotez."

Her Blood Stained CloakWhere stories live. Discover now