~ The Inheritance ~

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Today, I went to my mother's funeral. It was a sad day for me and my family, Angie couldn't stop crying and Andrew, well, locked himself in his room the whole day after. Mark was stressed out because he had a deadline for a project he needed to finish for work, and my mother's passing didn't help at all. It wasn't easy for me either. I loved my mother and I was very close to her. She always supported me through thick and thin, and I thank her for being by my side. Now, she's in a better place.

Later that night I got a box of something my mother left me in her will. There was a small music box inside along with other valuables inside it. I searched through the box some more to make sure I didn't miss anything. After making sure nothing was left inside the box I took the items up to the attic to put them in storage. After putting the stuff away, I had an odd feeling about the music box, something was telling me to open it. I'm not sure why, but I felt like I needed to. I grabbed the music box and opened it, when I did I felt something off. I brushed it off and wound up the music box. It played an oddly eerie and disturbing song that unsettled me, it even sent shivers down my spine. I closed the music box and put it away, closed the attic up, and headed to bed.

I woke up the next morning to an eerie melody. I didn't realize it was the music box at first but when I did I ran towards where the music was coming from. I made my way to the living room and there it was, the music box was playing on the table. I looked around to see if anyone was near, maybe someone went to the attic to see what my mother had left me. No, the children wouldn't do that, they're afraid of the attic and Mark is already at work. So who put it here? Maybe I did and just thought I had put it in the attic...But if that was the case then why is it playing? Something was definitely off here. I went to my kid's rooms to ask if they had gone to the attic and grabbed the music box and put it downstairs. They both denied ever going into the attic. Maybe Mark had gone to the attic before work and grabbed the music box. I should call him and ask about it. *The phone rings as she calls Mark* 'Hello?' "Ah, Darling. Good morning-" 'Why are you calling me? I'm at work.' "Ah, I wanted to ask if you went to the attic and grabbed the music box." 'No-- Wait, hold on, you seriously called me for that?' "U-Uhm, yes, I asked Angie and Andrew and they said that they never went into the attic-" 'Look, Claire, the kids are probably messing with you.' "...You're probably right-" 'Anyway, I gotta go I have a meeting in a couple of minutes. I'll see you when I get home, love you.' "Love you- *beep* too..."   I looked at the phone for a minute. I put the phone away and walked back over to the music box. I picked it up and brought it back to the attic and put it back in the spot where I had thought I had put it originally, left the attic, closed it up and went about my day. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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