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"Damnit, Florence! Can't you hold your mouth shut?! " The man yelled angrily at his wife,
"I'm sorry Edward! P-please, forgive me for my mistake!" The wife implored her husband as she crouched on her knees with her hand wrapped around the other as if she was praying to the gods to save her from the unfortunate event about to take place at the moment,
"You'll be sorry alright! I expect you know the authorities will come looking for us now! All because of your idiocy!"
The man began to yell even more now. The man started to raise his hand in the air. And abruptly, he resisted. He crouched down to his wife and pulled her into a tight, but gentle hug. The wife began to cry quietly, as her husband wiped her tears away with his thumb. He began to speak,
"I'm sorry, love. I am just very frustrated and uneasy,"
He took a long pause before beginning to speak again, "Go upstairs and start packing up our things. I will go pack our fortune and food, go, hurry."
The wife started to walk hurriedly up the tall steps of their Victorian household. Florence then began to pack their things upstairs, she grabbed clothes, black candles, chalk, a book, and jars of various items, putting the candles, red chalk, and book in a separate box. Edward was downstairs in the cellar gathering their food and yelled to his wife to meet him in the cellar. He put the things in a casing and brought the food upstairs to the front door, his wife brought their clothes and placed them down, taking the candles, chalk, and book down to the cellar. 

Edward grabbed the book as he instructed his wife to make a pentagram with the red chalk on a level part of the cellar and place the candles at each point of the star. After Florence had done so, she backed away and walked over to her husband, and stood beside him. Edward began to recite words in Latin from the book. As he recited the chant,  the circle began to glow a hue of red light. Soon the house started to shake, the lights burnt out, the candles went out and a bright flash of red light blinded them as the room went dark. A few seconds after, Florence spoke, "Do you think it worked, Edward? " Edward replied with a hint of disappointment in his voice, "No, I don't think-" Edward was cut off by the candles being re-lit all at once. "I think it might have worked..." Florence stated in a quiet tone as a shadowy figure arose from the darkest corner of the room, then it began to speak in a low husky voice, 

"Mortals...Wherefore has't thee summoned me?" The demon's face could not be identified, but they could tell it was looking at them right in the eyes, staring through their souls. "W-we summoned you to help us!" The demon stood there for a moment silently before he began to speak again, his voice sending chills down their spines, "I see...And what doth thee has't to giveth me to help thee?" The demon asked. Edward thought for a moment but nothing came to mind, "We...have nothing...Is there anything you would want? A sacrifice? A soul? A-" Edward was cut off by the demon speaking, "Thy child." Edward and Florence looked at the demon with confusion, "What?" Edward asked, "I wanteth thy child at when it is born as an offering for mine services."  The two looked at the demon, at each other, then back at the demon, "I don't think you understand...my wife is not pregnant?" The demon spoke again"The lady is, I can feeleth a soul within that lady. The lady doest bare a child."  Florence looked down at her stomach as Edward started to tear up. They had always wanted a child but were told she could never have children. The two broke into tears of happiness as they hugged each other, "This is amazing! This--" Edward stopped speaking abruptly as he had a sudden realization as he stared at the ground, dread filling his eyes, "Doth we has't a deal then, mortals?"  Edward looked at his wife as she shook her head, "Deal." He put his hand out as the demon shook his hand, red flames covered both of their hands as the deal was made. The burning sensation made Edward scream out in pain as the demon still held onto his hand as he laughed maniacally, "AAAAAHHH!" The demon let go and spoke, "The deal hath been madeth and I shalt help thee until thy child is born. But, beware, mortals, for at which hour the time cometh and thy first child is born, I shalt returneth to collect thy debt."  The demon then disappeared into a cloud of shadowy dust as Florence began to weep. Edward looked at his hand and saw a kind of sigil that marked the back side of his hand. He bent down and hugged his wife tightly, telling her they would be ok.

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