The message I've never sent!

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That night, we talked alot about ourselves
Alot about how we ended up there
Alot about the mistakes we've made
But have I ever told you how much I adored that night?
Bet you felt the least I hope
It was the first and very last late night chit chat
And it meant so much for me.

There were sometimes, you made me happy that I could die
Because I had that hope you'll be right next to me till I die
Thought you felt the least I hoped
But when you said that no one ever made you happy
And everyone is a disappointment for you,
I lost it
That feeling I had back then, I'd be fear to describe it
Because it stabbed me right through my heart.

I wanna get good at forgetting who we used to be
Cause I honestly miss the good old days
Which we can never have again

So dear notepad, this message will never make it to the person this belongs... but to you!

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