Nightmares Again

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Winter's Pov
Another nightmare.
This time he was drowning in a cold icy lake while his mother, father and sister watched, sneering and his older brother, Hailstorm, was standing there with a look of mock pity on his face. Winter wanted to claw the face off of his brother, stung at the betrayal but he couldn’t. He felt his lungs tightened as he finally ran out of breath, he tried to surge upwards using his last bit of strength but sank even more into the seemingly bottomless lake and pit of despair.

As the world went black, their faces slowly twisted into Darkstalker’s sinister grin and told him to obey the large Nightwing, be LOYAL AND HELP THE IMMORTAL DRAGON TAKE OVER THE WORLD AS THE MINDLESS SERVANT BESIDE THE ALMIGHTY KING. His head started hurting and the loud echoing voice of his dream bounced painfully around his head.Winter imagined himself being trapped in his body, unable to control it and started whimpering pathetically.

He woke up gasping.

As he looked around, he felt a pang of relief as he realised he was in his small bungalow near the woods of Sanctuary where he now lived. Unable to sleep, he curled up into a quivering mess, wet with tears and thought of all his friends and how much he missed them. Turtle, Moon…, Qibli.., even Kinkajou who would help him cope in her own loudly annoying way or Peril who might provide some comfort by being her very angry, shouty self.

The next morning…
Winter woke up, very tired. He had somehow drifted into an uneasy sleep last night but it wasn’t enough. He moped around his house before deciding to write to all his friends. He needed help. Facing Darkstalker along with his family in the past year has shattered him more then he previously thought. As much as he would hate to admit it, he really needed the warmth of someone near him right now.

Soon he settled down, grabbed a scroll and started writing.

Hey Qibli,

Haven’t seen you for a while now though I still get my daily annoyance through your frequent letters.

How’s it going on your end? Anything worth telling happened at the stronghold?

I am coping.. okay? The scavengers are so cute and smart and I enjoy the dragons and environment in the Sanctuary. Still, I kinda wish we could all go back to normal at school.

What do you think about coming over sometime next week? Moon, Turtle, Kinkajou and Peril could also come and we could spend some time together as a winglet again.

Hope to see you soon idiot sand snorter
Your awesome (former) clawmate,

He also wrote similar notes to the other dragons and walked down to the main town to find a messenger to send with his letters.

A/N soooo this is taking less time then expected so if I do some medium to shortish length chapters I can upload more. But when the story actually starts developing, I might have to take some time to actually make a plan instead of writing from my head :/

If this part is already published then sorry.
It said it published but when I tried to read it, I couldn't find it so imma republish just in case.

Shut Up Sand Snorter! A Qinter FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora