Chapter 2- New world...New Life?! pt.1

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Nova's P.o.v

After I awoke from jumping into the portal to try to save Nasmyth. I looked around and found my brother laying on the ground with few bruises, with just a bit of dirt on him. I carried him on my back and started walking around. about 10 minutes later I found a village.

"oh my, what are you kids doing by yourselves" a lady with gray hair pulled into a braid walked towards us

I thought to myself and remembers what Big Sister Moon told us

*commence flashback*

"don't talk to strangers, but if you really need their help I'll teach you how to tell if someone is lying by the twitch of their nose, and if they're lying I'll teach you how to paralyze them so you can run away" Big sister said, as her black hair with red tips fell on her shoulders

"Oh come one sis, not everyone is bad" Big sis said, her light lavender hair tied up in a long braid

We were sitting on Big sis's couch that was attached to the window (I don't know what's it called)

I came back to reality and made my dissension 

"we're lost and my brother is injured....we don't know where we are" I lied

"Don't worry little one, I'll take care of you and your brother until we can find your parents" the lady said

When she said that I knew she wasn't lying. I took her hand and followed her, with Nasmyth still on my back. When we returned in what I think is a hotel, she escorted us to her room.

"wait here, I'll go get the first aid kit" she said

As I waited I heard a grunt

"what happened" I heard a voice

"now your up sleepyhead" I said

"What happened?" he asked again

"I fell onto a button and the portal fell into the portal because of me...I tried to save you" I stated tearing up thinking about those events

"don't worry we're together and Big Bro, Sis, and Sister will come find us" He said

"But if I didn't want to go into auntie Barbara's lab, and activate the portal we wouldn't be lost and you bruised!" I cried

Nasmyth hugged me tightly and said "that may have happened but now we can finally have an adventure" he said sweetly

My danger senses started tingling and I felt 4 types of elemental power. One Lightning, Earth, Fire, and Ice

"do you sense that Nasmyth" I asked

"I do, lets wait for them to attack, and you use wind to prevent them from escaping so I can use ice to capture sister taught us" he said still hugging me

We waited a bit, with me pretending to cry and Nasmyth still hugging me. They came down and started to 'attack'. I used wind to make sure they didn't attack nor escape. Nasmyth used ice to hold them still. The battle was won by us.

"H-how did they do that!" the one in what I presume black pajamas said

"How can they use your ice Zane!" The guy in blue pajamas said....that color kinda looks like Big brother's soul color

"I don't know, I didn't think anyone could wield the same element" The one in white pajamas what the man in blue said his name is Zane

"so these two are elemental masters as well" the one in  red pajamas...that color also looks like Big sister's soul color

"why did you attack us!" I yelled

"we are looking for something, we thought you two knew something about it" Zane said

"why do you think we know where this something is at" Nasmyth asked 

"because you live here?" Zane said and something clicked

"Nasmyth I think we are in Ninjago Masters of spinjitzu....just play along but we don't live here" I telepathically said

"Ok" he replied 

"sorry to burst your bubble misters but we don't live here, can't you see its a hotel!" I said

"awww man I thought we were getting closer" black pajama man said

"sorry.." we said in sync

"ok now that's settled ....MAY YOU UNFREEZE US I'M ABOUT TO TURN INTO A POPSICLE" Blue pajama man yelled

"oh sure" we said in sync again 

We took our hands and fire came out of them, we aimed at the ice and unfroze them.

You can also use fire" red pajama man said

The pajama people looked at each other, whispered, then looked back at us. Me and Nasmyth looked at each other then back at them.

"you two need to come with us, you have powers beyond what you can control" black and red pajama men said to us as they tried to pick us up

"STRANGER DANGER!" we yelled 

"lets move boys" red pajama man said as we kept on yelling

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