Chapter 4-Rise of the snakes

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Nova's P.o.v

It's been a few months and slow. All these ninja do is wake up, train a little bit, play, eat, and then sleep. Big sister Moon would never, she would have us train train and train till we break. If I were to pick between training to death but able to defend myself, or no training at all and I may get killed. I'll pick Training to death. Mister Wu when into the trainnig room, and we waved at him. Mister Wu waved back then went into the room which Kai, Zane, Cole, and Jay were in and played video games.

"They're getting it now" Nasmyth snickers

Soon Nya ran passed us and went into the room to yell

"guys lord Garmadon returned, Lord Garmadon he's returned, he was spotted approaching Jamanakai Village!"

When she finished we heard movement, grunting, tripping, and falling. They ran and so did we. We ran to the dragons and they started to get on them. Sadly because of their lack of training Zane didn't notice the door falling on him, Cole dropped his scythe while trying to sit on rocky, Jay did some flips but missed his seat and fell in front of the Wisp. Mister Wu just shook his head.

"Uhh can I help?" Nya asked while Kai got on Flame

"Sorry sis where we go danger abounds, this is a job for the ninja" he said but when he looked down he said

"Uhh a little help" we laughed when he said that

Nya and Wu just laugh at us while looking in the direction where the dragons and the ninja's headed off to. The four of them took off to Jamanakai Village. It got me thinking, does Jamanakai Village have enough room to park those dragons?

"Will they ever reach their full potential" Nya asked Mister Wu

"In time maybe a long but in time" he said

"I doubt it, by the time they reach their full potential me and Nasmyth will reach ours" I said

"Well I don't disagree with you sis but let's not talk trash without them defending themselves" Nasmyth said while Nya and Wu just laughed

Kai's P.o.v

As we flew off heading towards Jamanakai Village. I thought how exciting it would be to fight Lord Garmadon. My mind also went towards the twins and how they were able to use their elemental powers without weapons. My mind also wondered off to when Sensei Wu told us about unlocking our full potential.

"Just like old times, eh Rocky?" Cole said which disturbs my train of thought

"You guys believe what sensei said about unlocking our full potential" I asked

"You may be onto something, I mean since we got these golden weapons it's not like we've ever had to use them...I wonder what they do" Jay said

"I for one look forward to the future if there is more for us to accomplish let it be" Zane said

"Don't know about you but is anyone else a little excited about battling Lord Garmadon, I've been looking forward to trying out some new spinjitzu moves could be the perfect opportunity Ha ha" Cole said

"Race ya there" Jay said




"Jamanakai Village...the first ninja there wins!" I yelled

"HAHA I was first" I yelled

"No one was faster than me" Jay shouted

"My feet were down before yours" Cole said

"You are all disillusioned it was clearly me" Zane argued

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