Hello Me it's Me

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Would time travel create some paradox if you meet a future or past version of yourself? Could you both co-exist on the same timeline?

There is one law that cannot be broken.  To exist you need to occupy a moment of space and time that nothing else can simultaneously occupy. 

But there must be more to existing than this.  To be truly unique more variables need to be added to this equation.

The first variable is what lap you are on in time,  or what  page you are on,  or what timeline.  This allows for the possibility that time may be traveling in circles and could be measured in laps, pages or timelines.

Another variable that could be added.  Although this is more in the realm of science fiction.  Is what dimension you are in. 

With these extra variables proving I exist is proving that I occupy a unique moment in space, time, timeline and possibly even dimension. 

So, is it possible to co-exist, without breaking these parameters?  Could you meet a future or past version of yourself? 

I say yes.  There are at least two ways this could happen. 

The first is if you have the same values of space, time, timeline and dimension.  In this scenario you couldn't exist, as such.  Because you could not occupy a unique position in existence.  Your two selves would overlap. 

To co-exist under this scenario, you could only travel in spirit.  Like a form of possession.  Your present and future thoughts would need to share the same life.  You would essentially be you now, as well as you from the future, and you from the past. 

In the end you would be just you.  You may not even realize that you are from the future or past.  You could end up with multiple personalities. You could end up with a strong link with a past or future life.  A feeling that you have been here before.

The second form of coexistence is where you have the same values in time, timeline and dimension.  But have different values of position.  You would be you standing next to you.   Each existence of yourself would occupy its own space and have its own life.

We may already have multiple versions of ourselves sharing a timeline.  There are identical twins sharing the same time, timeline and dimension.  But each has their own separate lives. 

How many times has someone said that they have seen you before somewhere?  They think they have met you or know you.  When you are sure you have never met them before.

Even though my equation for existence is not broken if two versions of yourself are standing next to each other.  Experience shows that this does not happen.  Even if we have lookalikes or twins and we meet.  We would still not be the same person.  Me does not meet me. 

The reason me does not meet me is probably something to do with life itself.  There may be some rule that co-existing entities cannot share the same life.

Without life, you are dead. Or maybe your life resets. Or you become a ghost. Whatever happens. Whoever you are now. Will be gone.

I am reluctant to add life as a variable to the equation for existence.  I think life has its own rules that cannot be broken.  But these rules are universal and may not be linked to existence.  You, or a thing can exist, but not be alive.


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