Chapter Nine- Brown Eyes

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Dedicated to @raindrops_ because her stories are gold, don't believe me? read them :)

        I wake up with a sore throat and a Karter pounding on my door.

        Great, it's morning already, I think. Another day of school. I still cannot bear to open my heavy eyes. What did I do last night, again? Yeah, never mind. Erase that thought.

        Karter just keeps on pounding at my door, while saying, "wake up loser!" in the most irritating way possible that only him can conjure. I would gladly open the door and smack him with a pillow on the face for disturbing my beautiful slumber, but even the mere thought of moving my thumb seems like a tedious job.

        I lay motionless on my bed as I try so hard to block his annoying voice. It doesn't work. This must be his lucky day.

        Well, the universe seconded that because before I know it, dad unlocks my door with a bang, and tells me to wake up. He's so firm when he said that that I have no other choice but to sprint immediately from my bed to my bathroom to get ready. My head is still pounding so painfully but like the good girl that I am, I endure it. I don't want to get on dad's nerves.

        I notice that Karter is like a switch today. When I finally go down for breakfast, he immediately greets me with a huge smile and a sweet good morning, and asks me how my sleep was. In other words, he is trying to thank me for last night and at the same time wants to know how it all went.

        "Smashing," I reply hoarsely while hurriedly drinking my coffee. He raises a brow at my voice, and I just glare at him.

        We don't have the chance to talk freely right now because dad is already opening the garage, and calling us to go to the car already since we are running late. Leo has just gotten away from mom's embrace and care—she was buttoning up his school uniform for him—and just takes the sandwich and his water bottle from the counter, and rushes immediately outside. We follow suit, remembering to grab our water bottles too or else mom would freak out.

        The car ride to school is unusually quiet. Then I remember dad's still mad at Karter. It amazes me how he didn't even make an effort to hide his wounds. Sure they're not as bad as they were last night, but they still look disturbing to me.

        Nobody makes an effort to speak, so Leo and I just share my earphones together and I drift to sleep.

        When they drop me to school, I immediately begin hunting for April. I don't even bother texting her because I know where she would be at this time: cafeteria.

        "I need help with our assignment," I say as I sit across her on our usual table. She pulls her gaze away from her book, and looks at me skeptically.

       With a sigh she asks, "Which one?"

        My eyes shot immediately. "What do you mean which o—wait; we have more than one assignment?" I ask in disbelief.

        Then she gives me the duh look, and I drop my arms on the table, completely lifeless. My head feels heavier all of a sudden so, I rest it on the table too, thinking of only one thing: I am screwed.

        "How many?" I test while squinting my other eye.

        "One for this morning; two for this afternoon." I puff out a breath. Thank the heavens! That's not so bad after all. "And we're going to have a quiz in Math today," she says it lightly like it's no big deal, while I choke on my own spit upon hearing it.

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