Chapter 1

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Isn't it funny how something as simple as a reflection can be enough to alter your day? I used to be the type of person that let things roll off my shoulder like they didn't matter. Crazy how so much can change in a matter of a year.

One year ago today I was sitting in my apartment while I studied to become a professional photographer. Something I got from my brother. My brother.

He was my best friend. We talked all the time, he was the first to fly all the way to London just to come to one of my first gallery shows. He was here for a week and I almost didn't let him go home. That was a little over a year ago. Nothing makes me happier than knowing I got my last goodbye with my best friend.

The day I got that call from my grandma, my life flipped upside down. Not figuratively, I mean literally.

I was scared for life, life without my brother would never be a life worth living. Despite everything going on I was determined to graduate school with honors while also building my portfolio.

When someone says the word 'suicide' the room falls silent. Questions fly around the room.

Why did he do it?

Why would he do it?

How did he do it?

I mean how shitty is it that once someone dies, that's all they become is one big question.

I'm pissed, I'm devastated, I'm sick to my stomach with wonder.

Suicide had always been one big joke to my family. I had the family that joked around and said 'I'm going to kill myself' every time they drop their fork on the ground.

Im sure they are all quiet now. Porter is dead and no one had any clue why he had done it. My heart was so completely broken. My best friend, is dead.

"Hi gram" I sighed into the phone, holding it to my face with my shoulder. I smiled up at the cashier while taking my muffin and water from her hand.

"Paris, honey. Are you all checked in for your flight?" She asked, I could hear the worry in her voice from the other side of the phone.

I started to say something but was cut off, "your mother is staying with me" she blurted, I rolled my eyes before walking my way towards my gate.

"Of course she is, I'll probably end up staying with Aunt Amy anyways" I shrugged taking a seat.

"Your mother is excited to see you" I could hear the smile on the other line, my grandma has always wanted my mom and I to have a relationship. She always thought it would be best for me to have my 'true mother figure' in my life.

I beg to differ. She's the last woman I want on my life, my grandma and my aunt Amy are the only two I need.

"Grams, I'm gonna let you go. My flight is about to board" I sighed, looking up at the screen. I had about an hour before I was to board but I couldn't bare to talk on the phone any longer.

Placing my headphones in my ear I put my head back, this was going to be a long miserable week of being back in America. It's the last place I want to be right now.

The flight was painless, I completely slept through dinner. It didn't take me long to find my way around the Detroit airport, grabbing my bags and rushing out of the building.

"Baby" I heard a familiar voice call, I spun around coming face to face with my grandma. "Hi grams" I smiled lightly, dripping my bag and pulling her into a much needed hug.

"Honey, you have gotten so skinny" she frowned, tugging on the arm of my sweater. I shrugged a little before turning to my grandpa. "Hi pops" I smiled pulling him in tightly, lingering in the hug for a little longer.

"Oh I miss you" he sighed squeezing my tightly. My eyes started to sting slightly, this is my first time coming home and Porter not being at those doors to greet me.

Pulling back with wet eyes I smiled at the two before grabbing my bags. "Let's get doing, I'm exhausted" I complained, followed them to the truck.

I sat in the back seat quietly. It was about two in the afternoon. My phone started to buzz and I looked down, not recognizing the number.

"Hello?" I questioned, my grandpa turned the radio down so I could hear better.

"Hi is this Paris Vanburen?" The voice spoke, a heavy Australian accent filling my eyes. "Yes, this is" I spoke sending my grandma a questioning look as she peeked back at me.

"Hi Miss. Vanburen, this is Harry Magee, how are you doing today?" He asked, my eyes widened.

"Yes, hi Mr. Magee. I'm doing well, how about yourself?"

"Doing good, thank you for asked. Now my reason for calling is..." he trailed off for a second before shushing someone and heard him whispering.

"Sorry about that, I have your portfolio pulled up and I see you do outstanding work." He started, he cleared his throat and continued. "Would you be interested in a traveling photography gig?"

My eyes widened and I'm sure my jaw was touching the floor. "Miss. Vanburen?" He asked after a second. I could barely even process this.

"I would love nothing more!" I said excitedly, getting my grandparents attention.

"Great, how about we have lunch. Tomorrow?" He asked and I sighed, "I'm ah, actually in America right now" I said calmly.

"Okay, we can get you a flight over here, we can meet in a couple days" he said confidently. I could hear mumbles in the background of the call.

"Mr. McGee, I am in America for my brother's funeral" I sighed, making him gasp on the other end of the phone. "Oh, my I am so sorry for your loss. Now I understand. We can go over all this another time. I'm sorry for calling you during this time" he apologized, making me softly smile.

"Thank you, I fly home next Thursday. I should be available after Friday."

"Perfect, I will be in contact with you next week to go over some more things and get a plan for our meeting."

"Thank you, Mr. McGee, I will speak to you soon."

We said our goodbyes and I looked up at my grandma with the most shocked face. "That was modest management out of London, they want to hire me as a traveling photographer" I said dumbfounded, keeping my eyes on my grandma as a huge smile pulled across her face.

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