Chapter 2

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"Paris" the woman in front of me whispered. Her cheeks were hallow, her skin was pale. She looks like absolute hell. She even looked high?

I shifted on my feet uncomfortably. Glancing at my grandma who had a large smile spread across her face.

"Paris, you look so good" She said smiling, half of her teeth were missing, they were brown and I could only imagine what her breath smelled like.

"Mom" I said shortly, still not moving. I really hope she doesn't try to hug me.

"I'm going to Aunt Amy's" I said nodding towards my grandparents, grabbing my keys and my bags and leaving.

I smile out at my 2007 Silverado. The one thing I missed the most about this place was my truck.

After a short drive, I pulled into my aunts driveway. A large smile spread across my face, log was here to.

I quickly turned off the ignition to the truck and rushed to the barn the one place I knew they would be. When I opened the door I saw Logan jump from his spot.

"Hey P" he smiled dropping the tool in his hands and instantly coming towards me. "Hi Logan" I smiled excitedly, pulling him into a tight hug.

Logan, Porter and I were the best of friends growing up. We were constantly together. Running around the neighborhood on quads.

I backed away from Logan and turned to my aunt and uncle. "Hi, guys" I said pulling them each into a hug. My hung with my Aunt Amy was a lot longer than planned.

"I wish you were coming home under better circumstances" my Aunt Amy frowning, I joined her. She knew how hard this was for me.

Folding in my tears I shook my head, physically trying to shake the thoughts out of my head.

"Can I stay with you guys?" I asked, silently begging. "Of course you can, Leigha has an extra bed now, you are more than welcome to stay with her"


The week drug by, slower than I could have ever imagined. Porters funeral was a shit show, exactly what I expected it to be. Like always my family joked, paid no recognition to me and belittled my dead brother.

I was finally back in London, staring up at the ceiling in my small apartment. My eyes were burning and my nose was stuffed from crying. I missed my brother so much.

I had my meeting with Mr. McGee tomorrow, something I had hoped I would be well rested for. It feels so wrong to move on. To go on with my life like I didn't just spend the last week in America with my disgusting family and mourning Porter.

It felt like seconds before my alarm was going off and I peeled myself out of my bed. I stalked off towards the bathroom, taking a shower and doing my necessary morning routine.

I dressed in a white long sleeve sweater tucked into a pair of black skinny jeans. I paired my outfit with my favorite black boots.

Satisfied with my outfit, I applied minimal makeup and straightening my short black hair.

I grabbed a pill from the bottle and popped it in my mouth, hoping this would clear some of my nerves.

I took a deep breath as I pulled open the door to the small cafe. Making my way inside I smiled at Mr. McGee while pulling my sunglasses on top of my head.

"Miss. Vanburen, it's lovely to finally meet you in person" he smiled. "Please, call me Paris." I nodded sitting down at the table with him.

"Paris, now tell me a little bit about yourself. You can call me Harry by the way" he smiled sitting back, giving me his full attention.

"Well... I'm not very interesting. I'm 20 years old, i grew up in a small town called Saginaw, Michigan. Moved to London as soon as I graduated. I have a twin brother who was also really into photography, we used to help each other out all the time, I was raised by my grandparents" I shrugged. Chuckling to myself almost, I really didn't have all that interesting of a life.

"You do some really good work, I see a lot of the pictures you take at festivals, are those your favorites to work?" He asked. I nodded eagerly. "I love concert settings, festivals. Events where thousands of people come to one place and are best friends for one night. It's just fascinating to me" I explained.

Harry's smile grew even larger. "Well I think I have the perfect job opportunity for you!" He smirked. "We need a tour photographer. We think you would be the perfect addition to our team. Not there are lots of awesome things we can negotiate, I will let you know all the benefits this position intels." He explained and I eagerly listened.

"Now of course you will have your own your bus, you will be sharing with the merch team. All travel expenses would be paid for by Modest along with any lodging. You will get a weekly paycheck for $1,500. That will be to cover any food expenses, equipment etc..." he explained and I nodded.

"You will have an emergency fund through us, for example. If you have an medical emergency and get hospitalized, modest will pay all medical expenses along with family travel expenses to come here in case of an emergency."

I couldn't help but smile, a real job. A big girl job. This could be so good for my blog. For my photography, my reputation as a photographer. This could not be any more exciting.

"Now I will warn you, they band your are going on tour with. They are a little crazy and they may annoy the shit out of you. But we think this would be an awesome mutual opportunity for both of us."

I stared, dumbfounded.

"You will be going on tour with 5 Seconds of Sunner.

Tour starts in two months but the boys are doing a small tour around the UK if you would like to get started right away, they have a show tonight." He said and I nodded, without even thinking about to.

"I will absolutely start tonight" I smiled.

Harry smiled with content, "welcome to the team."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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