Chapter 1

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Evelyn POV:
My baby girl and me finally get to go home after staying for 3 days. Quinn is doing amazing and such a good baby. I can't wait for her brothers too meet her and have our completed family. A few nurses came in to check and make sure Quinn is still good and me as well. They said we are leaving around 1 and it's 10.

*few hours later*
It was finally 1 and I had to sign the discharge papers while Chris got Quinn in a white beanie along with light brown sweat shirt and sweat pants that looked adorable on her might I add. We also added cute fuzzy socks, she looked so cute I just wanted to squish her little face. After Quinn was dressed I got myself dress into mint green sweat pants with a white glow jacket along with brown beanie to match my sugar plum.

Quinn's outfit:

Quinn's outfit:

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My outfit:

Quinn started to get fussy so I figured she was hungry so I took her from Chris arms and propped her on my arm and lifted my shirt to breastfeed her

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Quinn started to get fussy so I figured she was hungry so I took her from Chris arms and propped her on my arm and lifted my shirt to breastfeed her. While she was eating I was finishing up my makeup and also responding to texts messages of congratulations. Chris was singing the discharge papers and let me tell you it was a lot of papers.

*leaving the hospital*
I put Quinn in her car seat and put a warm blanket on top so the sub wouldn't shine in her eyes. Chris loaded the car already with our bags and pulled up to the front. Chris also helped me put Quinn in the car and made sure she was strapped in good and got checked by the nurses. After all loaded up I got in the backseat with Quinn while Chris got in the front to drive. We were on the way to head home and to finally see the boys after a long 3 days.

*arriving home*
Chris pulled into the driveway and I was nervous to see the boys but very excited. I saw a welcome home sign in the front yard while pulling up into the long driveway

Our home:

After getting the car seat and trying to not wake up Quinn we made our way inside and heard a tv playing so we walked further into the house to see the boys sitting on the couch on their phones with their TVs on they didn't even notice our presence

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After getting the car seat and trying to not wake up Quinn we made our way inside and heard a tv playing so we walked further into the house to see the boys sitting on the couch on their phones with their TVs on they didn't even notice our presence. After waiting 5 minutes they both turned around and gasped while I put a finger to my mouth to show them that she's sleeping. I carefully walked over to the couch with Quinn and set down the car seat again and put it on the floor so I can get her out.

The boys walked over to the couch patiently waiting to hold their baby sister which they were very excited. Once I got her out I handed her to the oldest Jason which he held her right away snuggled into his arms and looking down at her so preciously that I awed at the sight.

*jasons POV*
When I was holding my baby sister I felt the need to protect her no matter what, I will make sure no boys hurt my precious princessa. I saw my mom take a picture and I smiled at Quinn because she was holding my finger while smiling in her sleep she is so precious that I never want to let go. After about 20 minutes mom took her from my arms and handed her to Bryce to hold her.

*bryce POV:
Arching Jason with my little sister was adorable even tho he is older than me I never seen him with so much list snd love in his eyes with anyone. Not even his girlfriend. I saw mom pick up Quinn snd handed her to me I made sure she was comfortable in my arms before looking at her precious face. I started to have tears in my eye I'm so happy I finally got a princess and I can't wait to watch her grow up and become a beautiful young lady.  I kept watching my little sister and in her sleep she was scrunching her nose and it was so cute.
*few hours later*
*Evelyn POV:
It was around 10:00 and Quinn was being held by her brothers while I went up to her room to get it ready for her sleep. I put her blanket a stuffy in her crib.

 After I set up her crib I went back downstairs to see her still in the boys arms so I carefully took her upstairs after explaining to the boys it was bed time for her snd they can see her tomorrow

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After I set up her crib I went back downstairs to see her still in the boys arms so I carefully took her upstairs after explaining to the boys it was bed time for her snd they can see her tomorrow. I sat down in the rocking chair and fed her while rubbing her forehead after she was done eating I put her in some cute pajamas that were a onsie that was a light pink with little bunnies on them and she looked adorable once I was done changing her I set her careful set her down snd kissed her forehead goodnight. I grabbed her baby monitor snd head downstairs to finally eat my dinner.

* unknown person*
I finally made it to the mansion that I was stalking I went over on the backside and saw a light on and figured it out that it was a baby room. I will make sure I get that baby and bring her  back home with me to be my slave. I started climbing the tree and made my way up to the room and I used one of my tools to open the window quietly and stepped inside, when I looked inside I saw a sleeping figure and quietly made my way over to it and picked it up but first out down the baby monitor and made my way back to the window to climb back down.

* back to the secret house*
I made my way back home with the annoying crying baby and walked over too Damien my personal guard. " Damien get this baby down to. The basement snd keep her their and watch over her". I said. " okay boss". Damien said....

Authors note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter even tho it is very long stay tuned for the next chapter. I love you all.

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