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Racetrack Higgins, 16 year olds, living with his physically and sexually abusive partner after being kicked out by his mom, only having his best friend Albert to rely on

David Jacobs, 17 years old, relying entirely too much on prescription pain killers and anti depressants to function, after the death of his little brother Les, and a car accident that followed

Sarah Jacobs, 18 years old, her family falling apart following her little brother's death while all she can do is watch

Katherine Pulitzer, 17 years old, bulimic and struggling on the path to recovery, but always ends up back at square one

Sniper Wah, 16 years old, not coping well with his mother's sudden death, all while dealing with non stop abuse from his father

Spot Conlon, 17 years old, insecure and struggling with his sexuality, not knowing how his unsupportive parents would react, resorting to cutting himself for relief

Jack Kelly, 17 years old, an alcoholic trying to quit, abandoned by his mother and his father deceased, but always just ends up going back to the bottle

Crutchie Morris, 16 years old, lost his mother when he was 10, living with his cruel step dad, and not to mention the new wife, who can't seem to keep her hands off of him

Romeo Martinez, 14 years old, living a seemingly normal life, but what anyone think if they found what happens behind closed doors

Smalls Jenkins, 14 years old, her parents always busy working late, leaving her all by herself, not realizing how much worse her struggle with depression has gotten

Albert DaSilva, 16 years old, Race's best friend, who wants nothing more than to get him away from his partner, which seems impossible, what will he do about Race and Spot's growing feelings for one another

Specs Samuels, 17 years old, Romeo's only friend,  doing everything he can to get Romeo out of his hellish home, none of his efforts working

Lilac Blanchard, 17 years old, the leader of the support group

Fox Raver, 17 years old, Lilac's best friend and the other group leader

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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