i didn't live in any village i live in the forest with my mum and dad , and we live off the land, i know nothing about my parents past but i don't care, in the morning me and dad train, afternoon ill help mum out while dad goes and hunts it was great, i quite enjoy the forest but they all ways tell me not to stay to far, so i don't but it was the same thing every day, with shigi at night, my dad cant beat me now, i want to see what's out side this Forest, i have to know but the thing is I'm 11 and i do want to get lost.

one day wasn't like any other days, me and dad were playing with charka's, i was using my sage mode, with grandpa toad, dad would let me summon because i summon giant frogs, and this one was small, i was getting a hung of the sage mode but i could only hold it for five minutes but when i have it going its prefect, but i seances two old dead charkas," dad whats that,"i asked, "grandpas take her to see jriyra, and that bag, while find her."he said to grandpa frog, dad looked scarred of the men in the cloud cloak."yes hake."grandpa said. they teleport me to granppas places, grab a bag, and we teleported to a bar, and the frog man was there, grabbing a drink, "hello what can i do for you,"he said to the frog,"take this girl the konha," ,"wait happened to hake,",they exhanged looks and i reless that dad and mum would of been killed,"are they dead?"i sqeeked, "mostly wako,"he said, my heart sank at that point i didnt want them to be, i did the hand signs for a teleportaion jutus and teleported home, the places was trash the house was in bits and there was blood every were, the jryira teleported after me, tears flood to my eyes , jryira picked me up, "come on kid lets get you to the leaf village your do good there,"he said, i didnt want to leave, but he picked me and carried me, i end up fulling asleep on his shoulders.we got to some big gates that had village hidden in the leafs on them wasnt very hidden to me,"this places is hidden,"i said,"i though you were a sleep,","i didnt want to walk."i said, and a sweat drop fell down the side of his faces, he put me down and give me the bag and we walk to the hokage. i sat on this chair, with this old man slimming at me, " so what brings you here, " he asked me, i hand him the letter, he opened it and read it, then he looked at me, " could you go sit in the hall way wako."the hokage asked,.....

-----third p.o.v--------

the hokage and jrirya waited for wako to leave the room, a intense silents fell they looked at each other,"so jriyra is he dead,","yes my lord,", "what is this talents ,he speaks of in the letter,","i think its charka control because she can teleport quite some distances.","so i think we should put her into the academy for now to see what things she can do, who is her mother?","i dont know,","so we could have a girl we know nothing about, and has a great charka control or dangerst,","well is it a risk your willing to take i can find same where else for her,","the leaf village doesn't desecrate but shell have to live by herself unless you want to take full response ability for her.","no.","okay then, she'll have to ajust to life in the hidden leaf."the hokage said, mean while in the hall way wako was leaning against the door listening into there conversion, then the door open she fell back on jryira,"wako come in."he said to her, she walked in the hokage was smiling at her, she was scared because her dad all ways told her not to use the kekkei genkai unless it was life or death, she sat in the chair and watch the hokage the he finally talked, "would you like to stay in the leaf,".she didn't know what to say but she nod, then he took her to a room and give her details on the academy .

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