at night kakashi came around, i open the door with the recently put chain on it,"hi what do you want,"i yawhed,"let me in."he said breaking the chain off ,and walked in and shut the door"i just put that on there!"i yelled,"how did you get that bell i didn't even pick up on you."he said," you didnt scenes me,"i said,"no you were that fast,","yeah so.","your not a normal genin,","yeah i need to learn charkra control.","i know i figured but there no point of me teaching you if there nothing,"he said,"i need the money.","well hold your level down because your not a jonin.","fine ill play stupid, fix my lock and fuck off."i growled, he fixes the lock and left, so i went to bed and the training grounds, i was there and then naruto and sakue jumped me "how you get that bell!"they yelled,"natural fast and naruto distracted him so i got it."i said,"get off."i yelled.they fell off me and i jumped to my feet, "im going to bash yous senses less."i rowed, then kakashi stop me,"we have a escort mission."hes said,"let me get them,"i rawed,"later, go pack your bags its to the hidden wave village, meet at the main gate in a hour,"kakashi said everyone headed out expect me, "go get your stuff,"he said,"don't have any. "i said,"ill lend you my spear gear come on,"he sighed. he took me to his apartment he hand me a travel bag, sleeping bag, a set of kunai and paper booms, and wire,"keep this and go pack a change of clothes and water.","thank you kakashi.","its all right.".i went off to my apartment and packed the bag up and went to the gate, and whited for them i was exited for this. then every one turned up and kakashi came with this old guy, i didn't say it he was drunk,but naruto sang it Mr eeh4to the world, then we set off, walking in a land where there no water, a puddle stand out but the others didnt seem to notice but kakashi nod ,he notices it to, i walked near the briged builder, then this random guy cut a kakashi in two, i used my arm to deflected the vine sword, it had a poisen on it, "get behind me protect the build,"i yelled at them, i activated my kekkei genkai, placing him under the genjutus, then he screamed out in pain, then his partner showed his faces with claws i dogged his but naruto got in the way of the one with the crawls and got clawed in hand then kakashi steeped in and tied them up quickly, the one i handle was mentally damaged, he deal with them, my arms were stinging and i could feel the poison setting in i need to use my sage abbitle to heal, so i slipped five minutes a head and actived it, my arms started to heal and the poison just stop doing what it was suppose to do, i sat in the tree waiting for the mode to stop and the others to catch up, finaly they did i jumped i notices naruto had a bandage on his and my arms were fully healed, "weren't your arms sherd."the old man said,"shut up old man."i they left the subjected.we got to the borad and fog started to roll in, its a trap, i pulled out a kunai and started scanning for chakra, then a meat cliver sword came swing around i knock the briged builder down, and a man stood on the sword stuck in the brunch, basic kekkei genkai stuff, that dont work sage mode, all else fails full kekkei genkai abilities. "you four protected the brigade builder, ill handle him.' we surround the builder, and kakashi pulled up his head band reliving a sharingon, and sakue look ready to attack kakashi full out. the guy with the sword ranted, and kakashi could of killed him five times over but he listen, "what hell."i muttered to myself.the battle kicked off and kakashi was matching zabaza move for move i was impressed, the zabaza manged to trap kakashi in the water prison, i was about ready to kill him but sakue and naruto tried him one, and they both were knock down, so i stepped in i dogged all the moves threw at me, i charged up my hands, and slammed the clone ever said of his head, and the lighting struck therw his head, know i had a clear view of the real one, i started doing hand sign"earth style blood vine jutsu."this jutus was harmless it was meant for kakashi , the vines wrapped around his ankles, pulling him therw the earth out of the water prison, he came out laying down and he got up, "dont do that again."he said to me ."are you sure she a genin."zazbua asked, i walked back to the bridged builder in persion. i watched kakashi fight him and he was all most ready to end him but then a hunter ninja killed him,"who are you?"i asked,"a hunter nin from the hidden waves i have been casing him for a wail now, i despoise of him."he said,"thank you bye."kakashi said, but don't hunter hunt in packs. then kakashi pasted out for excrement, i picked him up and threw him over my shoulder he was twists my weight,"girl are you sure you should carry him," the old guy said,"shut the hell up and well go build this briged lead the way."i growel

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