Ch.2- The Hunters of Artemis

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I took $100 with me and used some of it to buy a train ticket to anywhere far away from the place I called home. When I left the train station, I took random twists and turns until I got into a forest and decided to camp out there for the rest of the night. At around 3 in the afternoon, I heard a bunch of people talking and moving quietly like they were trying to ambush me or hunt an animal. I quickly took out my pocket knife and went out only to find a bunch of teenage girls around my age camping in silver tents! I was shocked to see that so I went to their campsite to see what was going on; and to see if they had anything good to eat. As soon as I took one step towards them, in an attempt to hide from them, all of them looked in my direction and some of them took out their metal swords and bows! Where did they even get those? And how were they able to carry them! they looked pretty heavy. "Please! I come in peace" I said, raising my hands and quickly putting away the pocket knife I had. "You can see us?" a girl with red hair like mine said. "Duh! How else would I be speaking to you?" I asked, annoyed."Why do you think I can't see you?" Was this some pretend-camp thing with mental kids? I hope they weren't playing a prank on me or something. The red-headed girl looked at a girl who just had those stern, regal and leader-y vibes. She looked about twelve and was tall and possessed a well-built body. She had shoulder-length raven-black hair and striking silver-grey eyes that could easily intimidate someone when she is angry. She looked extremely beautiful and lovelier than all the other girls. She nodded and then said, calmly "I am Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. If you would like to, please come inside." She gestured towards the biggest tent in the center that looked like it belonged to the leader- her. I followed her inside but I was careful as I did not know any of them. And did she just say that she was a goddess? I was becoming more and more sure that these people were part of a cult and wanted to kidnap me or ask me to join them or something. The goddess studied me from head to toe, which made me feel kinda uncomfortable. "So, Emma, I sense you are heartbroken and frustrated with your life?" How does she know my name? How can she read my mind? And how does she know about all the recent events in my life? "Uhh- who are you and what do you want with me!?" I replied, trying to hide my fear. But I sensed the goddess sensed it. If these people knew my name and everything about me, how can I be sure to trust them? But I can't just get up and run away. The girls have swords and bows that look like they can do actual harm. Who knows what they will do if I try to run away or attack them?"I sense you are scared of us. Am I right? I shall Introduce myself again. I am Artemis, Goddess of the hunt and moon. All these girls here are my handmaidens but we are basically just one big, happy, all-female family. You can also join, but you will have to leave the company of men forever." She said. Just then, another girl with angel-blue eyes, black long hair, and a spray of freckles came inside. She was wearing clothes that looked somewhere between punk and goth. The only thing that stood out was the silver belt she was wearing. She looked around sixteen and seemed like Artemis's assistant or most trusted follower. "Now, I'll let you get on with business. You have so much to discuss." She said. She then left me alone with Thalia.

Thalia first started talking about her life, how she met Artemis first, and then after a few years, she decided to join them and how she loved her life here. She then explained how they were the Hunters of Artemis, How it started, and that I can join them if I leave all love behind and that once I say the pledge and if the goddess accepts it, I will become partially immortal. I started liking this offer more and more as she spoke about it, but I felt like I was missing something, or maybe it was just all these new things like Greek mythology not being mythology. I don't know.

End of Chapter 2

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