"Change the Future" ~

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"Cherry Blossoms" you whispered.

You took a deep breath once again and opened the letter. You took the paper out and unfolded it. The letter read:

Dear My sweet y/n,
If you're reading this letter that means the phoenix has passed on. It also means I've passed on and so has your mother and father. I know it's hard with akito being your only main family but it will get better. I know you may not forgive her for what she's done, which is reasonable. But try to put things back together again. We're not supposed to write about this pacifically because your mothers going to be writing about it but Akitos going to die. I don't want you to try to stop it if you don't want to, but you can if you want. You've got the power to do so. Spend more time with her, this won't get you killed or her. It will change the outlook on everything. And if it doesn't then somethings gone horribly wrong. You'll know it's working when Akitos happier. You don't have to forgive her for what she's done but try to change her from doing anymore like that. Yes it's going to be hard but you can do it. I believe in you y/n! Now please listen to what I said and try to change the future. You can't change the past but you can the future so that's why I, your mother, and father need you to change it for us. We can't do it but you can. Don't tell anyone about this, not even ayame, shigure, or hatori. It maybe tempting but don't do it. I love you so much y/n and am proud for what you've done so far. Pease go change the future for us y/n, we're putting our trust in you.


You knew what you had to do now. Change the future. You grabbed the notes from your family and slowly got out of bed. You placed each foot on the floor at a time trying to be quiet. You then tiptoed to the door. And surprisingly you didn't fall to the ground from not walking for so long. It was one of the weird things to have happened to you sense you found out about the phoenix.

But that was the least of your worries, you need to talk to akito. Fix things with her or even get her to change her view on the zodiacs.

You turned the doorknob and looked out into the hallway. No one was in sight. So your tiptoed out of the room still wearing your hospital gown. 'Weird that they have these things' you thought. Once you go to your room you quietly opened the door.

You stepped into your room and shut the door quietly again. You grabbed some clothes and put them on. (Imagine what you were, it can be anything you want). You put the letters on your bed and left the room. You quickly but quietly made your way to Akitos room. Who knows maybe you'll end up in that hospital bed all over again. And because of akito... again.

With Akito ~

Akito looked down at the pieces of old paper in her hands. She was debating with her self on weather or not she should open it. After fighting with herself for at least 30 minutes she decided to just open them. She started with her fathers. She read the writing on the outside of the envelope.

To: Akito Sohma

From: Akira Sohma

She flipped the letter over and opened it with the dagger she still had. After she did she looked down at it. She was disgusted with herself, how could she hurt the person most important to her. She was ashamed, disappointed, and wished to die from what she'd done. And if she was to die she wanted to die at her loving siblings hand. You've both done nothing but scream and yell at each other. And in most cases one of you getting hurt and sometimes you both. Just like your most recent fight.

She put the dagger down besides her and took the paper out of the envelope. She unfolded the paper and started to read it.

Dear akito,
I'll be honest with you I don't really know what to say to you. But just know me and your mother both want you to change. I know it's been hard in the past but please try to change before it's to late. It's going to be different after you read all these letters. You'll know new things that you may or may not have wanted to know. It's the truth at the end of the day. What you heard from all 3 of us is true and I want you to try to change. Don't let your mind get the best of you, change. Change for y/n akito, change for them. For the better of your sibling please.

Akira (Father)

Her hands fell down and rested on her lap. Akito looked forward at the wall again. Was what her father said really true, does he want her to change. She didn't know, but she did know she had 2 more letters to read. She picked up her grandmothers letter next. She read the front of the envelope.

To: Akito Sohma

From: Rio Sohma

She flipped it back over and picked up the dagger her hand shaking. She roughly opened the letter with her hand shaking and took the paper out. She unfolded it and it read:

Dear akito,
If you're reading this it means I've passed and so has your mother and father. And with us passing so has the phoenix. Y/n got these letters from the phoenix. Once the phoenix gets to weak they leave this world and from the ash of them comes a new phoenix. Well that's what's happened if you're reading this. Y/n is the holder of the phoenix. They can visit them when ever. And before the phoenix leaves she will give y/n these letters and, they'll then give them to you and she'll keep hers. Your mothers got something very important to tell you akito. So if you haven't already open hers open hers right after mine. There information you'll want to know in there. I know why you're going to kill me and I forgive you. What your mother will tell you is shocking but very true unfortunately. Don't even take her words with the smallest pinch of salt. Try to change before it's o late akito. You need to change for y/n and yours future. Because of you don't one of you will not live another year.

Rio (Your Grandmother)

Akito was on the edge of tears. She didn't feel worthy of the forgiveness from anyone for what she's done. But maybe she was just ready to change for the best. She put the letter down and grabbed her mothers. She took a dee breath and picked up the dagger again. She cute the envelope open again and looked at the front. It read:

To: Y/n Sohma

From: Ren Sohma

She took out the paper and unfolded it and started to read.

Dear akito,
My dear daughter how much you still have to learn. There is something very important I need to tell you. Your going to die soon after you get this letter. We decided I'd be the one to break the news to you and y/n. It's not the easiest thing in the world but it's ok I guess. You can change this by changing. You just have to be careful about it. If you're reckless about it, it will result in y/ns death. And it would be a very peaceful one. Change akito, make up with your sibling and expect the zodiacs. Change for y/n, change so that she doesn't suffer bc you die her last main family member. Please change akito. Not for me or anyone else but for y/n.

Ren (Mother)

Akito took another deep breath digesting the information she just got. Now what will she do? Will she change? And just as she's wondering these things her answer comes knocking at the door.

𝒯𝑜 ℬ𝑒 𝒞𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹 ~

𝕹𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖚𝖕𝖉𝖆𝖙𝖊: 𝕿𝖔𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖜 (possibly, I'm going to try )
Words ~ 1389

Thank you all for reading. And thank you so much for more almost 5.79k. It's unbelievable I've come THIS far but I'm so thankful for it all. I hope you guess liked this chapter and I'll try to get one out today (it's past 12am now). If I can't then I will post when the next chapter will be out. Im see a friend for the first time in 2 years and im supper excited to see her. Im not going to be sleepover so I should have time when I get home. But anyways I hope you have a great rest of your day or night. Thank you so much for 5.79k!

Thank you and sincerely,
Cherry200841997 Aka,

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