2- A king's story

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As we left the city,we got kicked out of course,I kept on thinking about what happend in that office..The red smoke,her eyes,her backstory and the weird warm feeling.Those fangs..what is she?I tried thinking of it but I just gave up,we had to go through a forest,great.I looked at Albert,he was on that guys side? Trevor looked sad,and Yuko..like the usual,a serious mysterious face.As we got deeper into the forest the darker it became.
   "We should camp maybe?Until the sun rises"Trevor said as he placed his hood over his head.
     "We should, let's find a place first."said Albert as he took out his gun just in case.
     We found a place and sat down on the cold grass.Yuko cut some branches with her sword and put them next to us,then without any fire matches she light up the fire just by holding her hand above the fire.
   "It should last for some hours,only if the rain doesn't come."she said as she sat down and rested her back against a tree.
   "So you have fire powers too?"Trevor asked
    "It's just some magic I've learned as a child,from a person I've appreciated the most"she said as she looked into the fire, throwing another branch in it.
     So now she also has fire powers?I want to know more about her..what made her like this?I don't think she could've been born this way..also the things she said back then in that office..
     "You can rest, I'll keep watch if anything happens"she said as she looked over the fire at us.
   "Well if you say so.."Trevor said as he got comfortable on the ground and tucked his face into his hoodie.
    After some minutes,Albert and Trevor were sleeping already,but I was too lost in thoughts so I decided to ask Yuko herself.
    "Uhm Miss Giordano?"
    "please just call me Yuko."
    "Yes of course miss!I mean Yuko..I want to know..what made you like this?.."
     "..I guess I'll have to tell you. Before I was born my mother was raped and left pregnant by the King of Rosax,Vladimir.She came back home and hide it from my father,he thought it was his child.When I was born she died from all the pain and trauma she's been carrying with her through her pregnancy.My father tried her best to take care of me..But one night Vladimir came to our house,he felt a connection with me and remembered of the night he raped my mother,and broke into the house,killed my father and kidnapped me.I tried to hide in a closet and had to watch my father get killed by my biological father.He took me to the castle,he thrown me into a cold and dusty room and abused me a lot,he forced me to train,to clean around and to do whatever he says.The only person that helped me was the leader of the Knights.He learned me magic,helped me clean the wounds Vladimir caused,helped me learn how to use my fire magic and more.Once I was 18years old I went to the west wing of the castle,no one was allowed there.I went at night when Vladimir was sleeping.As I entered the room there was a big armour and a sword next to it on the wall.I took the sword in my hand and accidentally moved my hand making the blade cut my palm,the room started filling with red smoke and my eyes became red,since they were green,and yeah my grandfather's spirit entered my body,the power that the Red Shadow holds is very strong,not everyone in the Rosax family could've handle it.Vladimir was woken by the red light that entered in his room,it was the sky,it turned red.Vladimir remembered that's his father's powers and realized someone touched the sword or knocked it over.As he ran to the west wing he opened the door only to be frozen in fear.Instead of seeing me he saw Sarvelius,his father.He fell to his knees and couldn't move, that's when I killed him with the sword.I took over Rosax then a weird crystal appeared and I ended up here."

I was shocked..Her story is so sad yet so interesting,I looked over at her and said.
  "I grew up in a abusive family too..My sister and brother were always hating me,my father was an alcoholic who would always beat me and my mother was always cheating on him.."
   She didn't even looked at me.But in her eyes I could see years of pain and suffering,she tries to hide it all,I wonder..would she ever smile and be happy?The only time I saw her smile was when she laughed and I saw her fangs..but that wasn't a happy smile.I went back to sleep while she thrown another branch into the fire.

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