Rock Bottom

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Several hours had passed, Jessie had passed out again on her steering wheel. Jessie opened her tired eyes and stared into the darkness and sighed heavily. She barely could remember what happened before she fell asleep. Small flashes of what happened began to sort through her memory as she pressed her hands to her face. 

(Earlier that day) After Jessie closed her car door, a group of students approached her car and began to shake her car and taunt her. The teasing caused her to burst into tears, considering this same group of students does this same routine to her every day. She stayed inside the safety of her vehicle as they continued to shake her car. Her face buried in her knees as she curled up into a ball on the drivers seat. Waiting.. Hoping for it to end. A few moments passed and they began to calm down a bit. They began to leave as they laughed among the group. Their teasing and laughter filled her ears as they walked away from her car. 

She slammed her hands on the steering wheel and began to cry once again. The tears spilling from her already puffy eyes. 

"Why!" she cried out. 

A ringing suddenly approached her mind. She felt as a bell had been rung around her head. A loud, screeching tone surrounded her as she held the sides of her head. Thump, Thump, Thump. Her mind began to pulse. She reached for her bottle of medication for her headaches as she held her head with one hand. Her mind began to focus in and out of reality. Back to the laughter of her demise to the squealing noise in her head. Back and forth her head flashed. She opened the bottle of Oxycontin and took two pills. Then two more as tears continued to spill down her face. 5 more, 3 more. Then she began to quit counting.

Her body becoming even more numb by the second. She looked around, her body felt light. She looked down at her hands. Pill bottle in one hand, another small handful of pills in the other. She brought her gaze back up and starred at the brick wall of the school. Her eyes beginning to droop, her lips began to quiver as fell into unconsciousness. 

A few minutes later, a teacher approached the entrance to the school and began to leave. It was Mr. Grieves. He gazed at Jessie's running car and her resting body in the driver's seat and began to approach her vehicle. 

He knocked on the window. Knock.. Knock.. Knock.. She didn't budge. Mr. Grieves gazed into her hands an empty pill bottle in her right and a small pile of pills in her left hand. He began to panic. He tried her car door. Wrrr.. Click! He repeated once, twice, a third time. Her door was locked. Jessie's lips were a pale blue tone. She looked almost lifeless. Her eyes looked almost sunk in with her tired dark circles under her eyes. Mr. Grieves fumbled in his pockets for his phone and rushed to call emergency services. 

"911, What's your emergency," the woman over the phone spoke. 

He cut in as she continued her sentence. "Quickly! Please!" He cried out. "I have a student locked in her car and I think she overdosed!" He murmured under his breath as the responder began to send forces his way. Walking back and forth, he began to breathe heavily. 

Police cars and ambulances began to arrive at the scene, along with firefighters. They pried the door open. Jessie's barely alive body almost fell from the vehicle. Pills from her hand spilled all along the asphalt. She groaned quietly. She didn't respond any more than that. Her body numb and weak as she was laid upon a stretcher. The on-scene doctor began asking her questions, but she could not answer. Mumbles of people around her, the commotion. It all went by in a blur and she fell unconscious once again.

Once she had woken up once again, she could not move or speak. She seemed to be frozen in time. Jessie had laid there, conscious though she wasn't. She couldn't move or speak. She felt a sudden poke into her arm as her dried lips cracked slightly as she winced with her lips. The only sign of emotion that she could have expressed. A cold, soft breath escaped her mouth as she slipped quietly back into unconsciousness. 

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