1.3 We're a what?

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(Two owls are shown, each with a letter in their talons. They fly over houses and drop the letters, which fly right through the mail slot. Harry goes to get the mail and sees two letters addressed to him and his sister, 'Mr. H. Potter/Ms. J. Potter, The Cupboard Under The Stairs, 4, Privet Drive, Little Whining, Surrey'.)

An uproar met the great hall seeing as the letters even said they lived under stairs. It was then McGonagall that spoke out. "The letters are addressed with a self-addressing quill. We will start checking the letters now." The great hall quieted but mumbles of anger were still heard in areas.

(Harry enters the kitchen and hands the mail to Vernon while keeping the other two letters. Harry looks to Juniper and hands her her letter.)

"Oh, Marge is ill. Ate a funny Whelk."

(The twins look at each other before opening their letters. But before they could fully open them, Dudley rushes and grabs the letters from them)

"Dad! Look, HArry and Juniper got letters!"

Everyone yells things at the screen in the great hall since the boy took away their acceptance letters. The Potter twins look at each other thinking about their reactions to what else has gone on in their life if this is just from getting their letters taken. 

"Hey! Give those back!"

"They're ours!"

"Yours? Who'd be writing to you?"

(Vernon then looks at the letters and sees that they are addressed to the twins, to their cupboard, turning over the letter to see the Hogwarts seal. Vernon shares a panicked look with Petunia, looking back at the twins who looked startles and gulp. Harry then pushed Juniper behind him.)

(More owls are shown flying with letters, dropping them so that they slip into the mail slot, where six letters are picked up by Vernon, who rips them to shreds. Harry and Juniper are then shown back in their cupboard, bored as they move little statues around, when they hear a drill whirring.)

"No more mail through this letterbox"

(They look at their uncle a bit disturbed as they close the door. Four more owls are then shown on top of the car as the frame pans to the adult Dursleys.)\

"Have a lovely day at the office dear"

(Petunia then sees the owls, Vernon follows her stare, seeing them as well. He freaks out and steps in front of his wife.)

"Shoo! Go on!"

(Petunia then looks down and draws Vernon's attention to the letters on the ground. He is then shown later, burning the letters in the fireplace. Juniper and Harry come around the corner slowly, watching as he tosses the letters into the fire one by one. Vernon sees the twins and smiles evilly as he holds one up before tossing it into the fire. Juniper and Harry look at the letters longingly as they shrivel up.)

(The scene fades from the burning letters to Vernon who looks a bit roughened up.)

"Fine day Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week. Why is that, Dudley?"

(Dudley shrugs as he takes a cookie from the plate Harry was holding down to him)

"Because there's no post on Sundays?" Juniper then says.

"Right you are, Girl. No post on Sundays. Ha!"

(Harry then turns to see Juniper looking outside the window, watching as an owl flies past it.)

"No blasted letters today! No, sir! Not a single bloody letter! Not one!"

(The Twins both furrow their brows and walk closer to the window, opening the curtains as the screen shows an innumerable amount of owls surrounding the Dursley's house)

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