Prologue ✨

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"INK!" Drem yelled, storming through Inks office over to his desk. Ink looked up from the papers he was reading and smiled at his teammate.

"Oh, hi Dream! What's up-

Dream slammed a file on Inks desk, putting his hands on his hips afterwards.

"Remember this man?" Dream asked, pointing at the file in front of them. Ink took the file, opened it and frowned.

"Of course I remember him, he's in our top ten wanted criminals list" Ink closed the file, putting it back on his desk.

"He murdered his family and ran away." Ink leaned back on his chair, the mention of this man killed his mood.

"They're looking for him for over two months now! If boss put me in charge of this case, I would've found and arrested him WAY sooner than that bunch of amateurs. They have NO experience!" Ink stated, irritated.

"I know, Ink, I know. You are a great, skilled and experienced detective, but you need rest. You have been sleeping not even four hours a day for the past month, looking for clues and proof to find our top wanted criminals from our list. And that's great! Thanks to your effort we were able to find some of them and you provided us with more clues for other unsolved cases. BUT, you really needed rest. Boss did a good thing giving all those cases to the newcome detectives, it's a great way for them to gather some experience dot you think?"

Dream replied with a smile.

"'re right" Ink sighed.

"BUT, that's not what I came here for. They found him dead." Dreams face took a serious look.

"Who?" Ink raised his brow.

Dream pointed to the file.

"WHAT?" Ink shot up from his chair, slamming his hands on his desk.

"Yeah...It was B.W.'s job. Again." Dream said with a defeated tone.

"B.W....B.W....Black Widow.......A weir nickname for someone who is not a spider monster, don't you think?" Ink sounded angry and bored.

Dream replied with a hum, his gaze following something written on a whiteboard.

"How did they find out it was B.W.? Those magic strings again?" Ink asked.

"Yeah, he was hanging from a tree by those blue strings above the Oldtown river." Dream replied.

"Alright, thanks for letting me know. I will look through it and try to find some new clues that would bring us closer to this B.W. guy."

"Alright, see ya later, Ink, I'm going to tell blue. Bye for now" Dream took his leave.

"Bye, Dream!" Ink waved back at him, then went back to his work which was leaning onto his chair and thinking.

(Alright, let's go from the start. Whos B.W.? no one knows. We nicknamed him that because he uses blue, almost indestructible strings made from magic, that must mean he is pretty powerful. He uses those to catch and kill his victims, who are exclusively criminals, such as murderers, serial killers, terrorists, pedophiles, child offenders, mafia leaders, and on and on.

Most of the people he killed were already on our wanted list, and if they were not, we thought he killed someone innocent, but that soon turned out to be false as we looked more into their profile.

I guess we could say B.W. is something like an anti-hero. I honestly don't know what to think about it....

We don't even know how he looks like, not even if he's a human or a monster. But I saw him once, It was when we were driving to the crime scene of another dead person trapped with blue strings. I saw him jumping from building to building, I immediately took out my phone and took a photo. He wears dark clothing, probably black, he has a cloak decorated with his strings that reaches his knees, with a hood over his head and a mask that covered his whole face. A really simple, white noh cat mask, created a huge contrast with the rest of his clothing. I wish to catch him mainly just to decorate his oversimplified mask. heh...)

Ink grabbed his coffee, took a sip, then continued his thoughts.

(I didn't tell anyone yet, but he's quite short. hehehehehee) Ink snickered to himself.

(That cloak he wears perfectly hugs his thin torso, it makes him look hot~ "NO WAIT IM TRAILING OFF!!" Ink yelled at himself."Stop your gay thoughts! Back to the topic!" Ink took a deep breath and continued.

(How does he know? Does he just look at people and instantly know their deepest secrets? And how does he find them? How does he know where these people are hiding? It's hard to admit but he's a better detective than any of us...)

Ink looked at his bulletin board that was covered with pictures of crime scenes connected to B.W.

"Whoever you are B.W....

                                                         "I'm going to find you..."

                                                                                                                               "I'm will catch you."

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