„How have I come to this?"

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Old, brick walls, damaged by age and slowly crumbling apart, some bricks threatened to fall down as they stuck out of their place. There, up there, stood a person, his heels almost sliding off of those two sticking-out bricks they were standing on. Dressed in all black, his long black trench coat freely flowed in the wind as they stood still as if hoping the other did not actually notice them. Were they there the whole time during the investigation? How did no one notice them this whole time? Probably because it was so dark outside, but also, no one bothered to look up.

Ink knew who it was.

As he stood there frozen in shock, his flashlight enlightened their mask. The mask Ink knows so well. The white cat mask that all guilty men fear. The blue strings connected to their fingers holding them in place so they won't fall. Those blue strings which punished and killed, still covered in blood. All of the investigators thought the blood droplets which covered the opposite wall of the massacred body were the cause of their blood gushing so far it hit the 15 feet remote wall, but they were wrong.

The blood droplets on the wall were falling down from the blue strings.

B.W. has been there the whole time. They watched the whole time with their breath held in, maybe even praying not to be seen until the wind is clear. Why didn't they run away as they always did before the police came? Did the police come to the scene too early for B.W. to make a run for it? Did B.W. have no other choice than to hide and stay still? Only B.W. knows. And Ink now stood there, facing them, so close than anyone ever before.

"What the heck..." Ink whispered, but in the silence of the night, it was loud enough for the other to hear. They jerked their hands and retrieved their strings, then jumped down.

"Hej- Whoa!" It took Ink by surprise, he jumped away so B.W. wouldn't have fallen on him.

B.W. didn't lose any time and began to sprint.

"HEY!!" Ink pulled himself together from his shock and began to run after them.

B.W. ran around the corner, speeding down the road, even though they ran full speed, their steps were quiet as if their shoes were made of foam. This surprised Ink cuz' as he ran after them, his steps were loud, maybe even too loud as it was the only sound in the quiet night.

They ran, and ran, B.W. leading Ink through the maze of that city, Ink didn't even know the town he lived in had so many 'secret' alleyways and nooks!

B.W. jumped over fences and walls with ease, while Ink tried his best to keep up, failing miserably.

*huff* *huff*

"How...?" All this running tired Ink out, he didn't even know where he was anymore. For how long were they running? More than five minutes for sure. He watched as B.W. kept funning full speed and soon disappeared out of his sight.

Ink accepted defeat with a grunt, straightened himself and looked around him.

"Shit.....Now I'm lost. Great. Just great. ... Damn it!" He spat out annoyed. "In the middle of the night! In a city district I have never been to..." Ink sighed. For how long has Ink lived here? Two years? And still, he has not explored it properly even though he drove his car around as a part of his job. Sure, Riverdoon (I made that up don't @ me) is not a small city, but it isn't even that big to get lost in!

Now you might wonder; a smaller city equals less crime and that equals less payment for Ink and all of his co-workers and teammates, right? Well yes, but actually no. Not in this case. You see, Riverdoon is located in the "hearth" of a larger, crime-conflicted cities area in the state. And since Riverdoon's crime investigation department has a good reputation for their skilled detectives and investigators, which Ink is part of, They are often called to the scene all around the crime-conflicted area, the state and sometimes even abroad. It sure is a lot of work, but it is worth it. All of the effort.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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