Haunt Episode Three - All Chapters

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Chapter One: Another Glorious Day in the Corps

An overflowing sense of relief filled every part of Ashley. Finally, she thought, help is here. She, her brother, Marcus, and these friends who were mere strangers yesterday, had done well so far, but she didn't want to push their luck. While guns made Ashley nervous and her eco-hippie morals left her a bit leery of government authority, in this situation she was happy to see the military arrive.

Bridget, Mikey, and Randy, on the other hand, wore expressions which clearly read, "Oh fuck". Ashley watched that expression blossom on all three of their faces at the same time. The Karloff's crew got them this far on their horror movie knowledge, but that didn't mean the implementation of martial law would be their undoing. If anything, it might save more lives. Ashley thought.

Adam stood in the doorway of Interview Two where he'd checked for Artie and Thorn to no avail. "Damn...alright. They're gonna wanna talk to someone in uniform. No offense guys." He said to the group.

"None taken." Randy shook his head as he stepped away from the door.

Mikey nodded, also stepping away. "You're probably right." He agreed.

Suddenly, Ashley's hope faltered. She saw the apprehension on Adam's face as he unlocked the front doors. He had seemed a bit on the fence about the group staying here or leaving too, but now it looked like he might actually be afraid that the army was here.

Bright sunlight filled the reception area, hurting everyone's eyes momentarily. Adam stepped outside with his hand up in greeting. Everyone but Bridget moved behind the reception desk to see through the open door.

A military Humvee and cargo truck stood like giants on the other side of the police cruiser barricade outside the station. A cold breeze much more akin to the time of year swept into the building, bringing the smell of exhaust with it. Three soldiers got out of the Humvee to approach Adam. They all held large guns at rest in front of them. They all looked extremely serious with helmets and dark sunglasses hiding half of their stoic expressions.

"Sorry for the obstacle course." The group inside heard Adam say to the soldiers. One of the soldiers responded to Adam, but no one in the group could catch what he said over the noise of the engines.

"All that noise is gonna draw more of those things." Randy tapped his thumb nervously on the top of the reception counter.

"The look mad as hell." Marcus thought aloud.

"Not mad, just...serious." Regina said.

"Well, if they're serious, they'll do things by the book, right?" Hope filled Ashley's tone.

Derek closed his eyes, silently thankful that he'd stashed the weed they'd stolen at the bottom of the coffee box in the kitchen, underneath all of the coffee packets. He prayed that the weed smell wouldn't permeate through the box and the closed cabinet it was in.

"Right?" Ashley smiled back at Bridget, who she thought would know since her own father was in the military. The smile quickly fell from Ashley's face as if someone had pulled a plug. Bridget was pacing back and forth like a caged animal. Ashley had seen the bartender scared, of course, but nothing like this.

"Here they come." Derek sighed.

Ashley's attention swung back to the station's entrance. The three soldiers had climbed over the barricade and were now following Adam into the station. The Humvee and cargo truck were turning around in the small front parking lot. Behind them, two more Humvees pulled up and parked in front of the police cruisers to add more bulk to the barricade.

Haunt Episode Three: MetamorphosisWhere stories live. Discover now