Chapter 9

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This is a work of fiction, not intending to hurt anyone.

Ignore typos.

As she expected, Ashwin didnt not approach her after her outburst. But he didnt change his hotel, like she had asked him to. In the past 10 days she had seen him maybe thrice. Ashwin left lingering look whenever their eyes met as if he was pleading her to forgive him silently. His puppy dogs eyes always melted her, but guess this time she was immune to it.

She had next two days off, so decided to talk to her friends. She called her best friend Tarunya. After the small talks was over, Tarunya got straight to the point Sivu are you guys still fighting?

Sivaangi knew what her friend was talking about bout asked Who is fighting

Tarunya: Trending pair, is fighting, that what I heard and from the way you are talking yes you and Ashwin are fighting

Sivaangi: First thing we are not the trending pair now, I dont even know if we are friends. Second from where did you hear it?

Tarunya: You guys are all over tabloids, post the space fiasco where you snapped on him.

Sivaangi: I didnt snap at him, I was being professional. At least not that day

Tarunya: Ok wait so you snapped at him, when? Is this still about his interview?

Sivaangi: I seriously dunno, what even is happening now. He gets me so angry, yes I snnaped at him. He is also here in shimla. And Im not even able to see him in his eyes, I dont want to fight him, but he is not being helpful.

Sivaangi, narrated what all had happened. To the last detail she vented out. Tarunya and Ashwin where the most important people in her life. She left bad complaining about him, but not talking to him in these circumstances was driving her crazy. Her main concern being how he was hiding something from.

Tarunya: Sivu two years back, do you remember what happened regarding New York concert?

Sivaangi: How is that relavent now? You know I dont like talking about it.

Tarunya: I feel like its same thing which is happening now, with Ashwin at your place and vice versa

Sivaangi remembered how two years ago she was booked to perform in a concert and how she backed out of it.

Sivaangi: I had valid reason for what I did, I dont even know why he is behaving this way.

Tarunya: Sivu I had to literally fight with you to get that valid reason out of your mouth. But do you remember once, you were not ready to share it with him, how patiently he had waited.

It was an important concert in her life. However, during rehearsals she had heard the organizers talking ill about their bond and more badly about Ashwin. She had immediately walked out of the show and it had caused her loads of negativity in her early career. She had kept the reason to herself, as she didnt want anyone else to be involved. And she knew, if he knows he would mask his feelings and get her to do the show.

2 years ago..

Ashwin: Is it true you backed out of the concert?

Sivaangi: Yes, ok leave that movie release date is it finalized?

Ashwin: Why ma? I know how excited you were for this what happened? Any problem

Sivaangi: No ma, I just didnt feel like doing it anymore, so I backed out

Ashwin: I know you wouldnt do without a reason, so tell me any issues we will sort it out.

Sivaangi No backstory, can we drop this topic?

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