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        Yes I thought it would never come. Tomorrow is the last day of school. I've never really been the type of girl that likes school, and can't wait till the schools over. Oh right you might want to know who I am, I mean who wouldn't want to know me ( not a lot). Anyway back to who I am, my name is lily Ann but you can just call me lily that's what my friends call me (2 people).                                     I guess you could categorize me in the loner group. I know April fools, I wish. We live in a small town called Addison where only like 200 people live including me and my dad. I only have 2 friends so I guess i'm not a total loner right.  The problem is they're both total geeks. So the summer gets pretty boring with those 2, it's always "oh my god school is only 2 months away." Who counts down the days till summer ends, when summer ends my life pretty much ends for 9 months. I could already tell though this summer was going to be different


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