1- Welcome To Japan

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(Just so you know, whenever I put '     ', that means someone is thinking.)

BEEP.BEEP.BEEP. Your alarm clock went off. It was 7:00 in the morning, in Japan, AKA where you ran off to. You ran off to Japan for the best. Your mother abused you, hurt you, cursed at you, and put the blame on you for your dad leaving. Eventually, you had to join a school, so you joined one of the closest one and you were enrolling today. You weren't exactly the brightest person, which would probably be a disadvantage at school. You also weren't happy to go to school, but it would be more entertaining going to school instead of being locked in your apartment all day. So you got up and began the day.

(Your POV)


'Ugh that stupid alarm clock, always waking me up in the rudest and most annoying way. Whatever, I have to get to school.'

With that, I got up and started doing my morning stuff and got my uniform, which was actually really nice I have to admit.

With that, I got up and started doing my morning stuff and got my uniform, which was actually really nice I have to admit

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(your uniform, don't mind the girl in the photo just focus on the uniform)

"Huh, not bad. I wouldn't mind wearing this."

I slipped on the uniform and went to go get my skateboard and my backpack.

"Ok, I'm good like this. I'll just skip breakfast, I'm not hungry anyway."

Liar. The real reason I don't eat breakfast anymore is because it always reminds me of my family, but whatever.

I went out the door while getting on my skateboard and plugging my earbuds in and playing Fine by Taeyeon, my favorite soloist.(If you don't stan her or don't know her just ignore that part but she's just a kpop soloist.) I felt the wind brush up against my face, I hadn't felt that feeling in a while, so it was pleasing. After what seemed like 15 minutes, I had arrived to school, which had a crowd of students already there. 

'Great. Just go past them and find class 1-E it was.'

I walked down the hallway, earning stares from other students. God I hate it when people stare, especially when I can't tell if it's a good or bad stare. I finally found class 1-E and took a deep breath before softly knocking on the door. The door opened, revealing a women with dark brown hair and brown eyes that complimented her face shape. I'm assuming she's the teacher.

"Oh hello! You must be our new student!"

I heard gasps and murmurs from the classroom. Maybe they weren't aware I was coming to their class?

"Um yes." I replied to my teacher in a soft voice.

"Okay, come on in." she seems welcoming.

I walked in and immediately earned stares, except this time, I could tell they were of awe, although I don't know why.

"She's so pretty!"

"Is she a fallen angel?"

"My gosh, I've never seen someone with such visuals.

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