2- Friends?

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(Your POV)

I woke up again to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. As I got up, I felt a sharp pain on my face. I went to the mirror in my bathroom and remembered about yesterday's incident.

"How should I cover this up? Should I even try? You know, I won't even try, no one will care anyway." I say while scoffing.

I once again put on my uniform and left the house. Unprepared for what was about to go down at school.

(Timeskip to where you arrive at school)

"Ok, I'm here, don't look up or make eye contact with anyone."

I pulled up my hoodie and looked down the entire time, until someone had to ruin that for me and bump into me, making me fall backwards. What do you know? It's the boy who put the blame on me yesterday.

"Oh lord..." I whispered.

(Miya POV)

I thought about talking to new slime, and try to at least ask if she's okay. I'm NOT apologizing because there is no way I'm apologizing to a slime. Just as I was walking down the hall, I bumped into someone, AGAIN. To my surprise, it was new slime. I thought about yelling at her until I saw the scar on her face.

"Oh lord..." I heard her whisper.

"I heard that slime." I deadpanned with an annoyed face.

She looked up at me, and not gonna lie, she was actually kinda cute for a slime. Her hair was in her face, which gave her a cute look. 'Wait- what in the damn world Miya!?'

"Ok look, I bumped into you yesterday blah blah I've been through it all just please don't say anything about my sca-" she got cut off when a bunch of people rushed to her and asked if she was okay, probably about her scar.

"Oh my gosh!"

"Y/n-san, are you ok!?"

"What happened?!"

Suddenly, a boy picked her up, and for some weird reason, it made me feel mad.

"Put me down." the girl, who's name was Y/n, said in a cold voice.

"No~" the boy said with a smirk. I was about to step in and help her, but she beat me to it, surprisingly. She got her skateboard and whacked him in the head causing him to drop her.

"Crap." I didn't know what I was doing, but my legs kinda had a motion of its own, so I charged towards her and caught her right before she hit the floor.

"Are you ok?"

She got out of my arms before responding.

"What do you care anyways? I'm just some "slime" that bumped into you which was apparently my fault even though I shouted move."

"I-I'm sorry."


The bell rang and everyone went to their classes. Right before the girl left, I grabbed her arm. She turned around.

"Do you need something?"

"Meet me in the library at lunch time." 

With that, I left her puzzled and went to class.

(Your POV) 

'Did he just ask me to meet him in the library at lunch time? Or was that my stupid hearing?'

I didn't really know, but I had to get to class. So, I left to class and just saved it for later.

(Timeskip to the library at lunch time)

I walked in and scanned the room for Miya. I found him and went towards him.

"Hey." I said blandly.

"Oh hi."

"What do you need."

"Sheesh cold much? I just wanted to see if you wanted to be friends."

"Eh? Friends? Why would you want to be friends with a "slime" who bumped into you yesterday?"

"Just say yes or no."

"Uh ok sure."

"Just one condition. Never leave me please."

His voice changed when saying the last part. To be honest, for the first time, I actually felt bad.

"I won't I promise."

I have no idea why but I suddenly brought him into my arms, hugging him. I kinda felt fuzzy and like my stomach was going all over the place, but I didn't know why.

"A-Ah I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that I jus-"

He cut me off by hugging me again.

(Miya POV)

I felt butterflies in my stomach when she responded in such a pure, sweet voice. Suddenly, she hugged me and I just knew I was blushing, but why though! She suddenly backed away and apologized but I felt the need to have her back in my arms, so I pulled her back. Again, those damn butterflies came in my stomach.

"It's ok."

Call me crazy, but for the first time, I saw her smile, and blush! I'm not going to lie, it was cute. 'I have to stop thinking that, seriously.'

"Anyway, friends?"


She replied while giving me a soft closed-eyed smile. I was relieved. I didn't want to feel weird if she said no.

(Your POV)


'He just asked me that.' I thought I would hesitate but instead, I replied right away.


 I was actually surprised. I gave him a soft smile while packing my things up and saying goodbye. Somehow, I knew he would change me.

(A/n: Sorry if this was kind of short but I tried my best. I'm going to try making more "moments" of you and Miya and try to make the chapters longer. Anyway, have a good day/night wherever you are, bye bye~ <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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