Chapter 13

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Ron said" Have you spoken to Hermione?"
Harry said" She should be out of hospital in a few days, when she stops coughing up fur balls." Then we stopped as we saw a lot of water," What's this?"

We ran into the corridor,
I said" Looks like Moaning Myrtle's flooded the bathroom."

We walked into the bathroom, we heard her crying and moaning, then we saw her sitting on the window seal.
She said" Come to throw something else at me?"
Harry said" Why would I throw something at you?"
" Don't ask me. Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me."
Ron said" But it can't hurt if someone throws something at you. I mean, it'll just go right through you." She flew down to us,
" Oh, Sure! Let's all throw books at Myrtle because she can't feel it. Ten points if you get it through her stomach!" She punched through Ron's stomach," Fifty points if it goes through her head!" She punched through Ron's head,
Harry said" But who threw it at you anyway?"
" I don't know. I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the u-bend, thinking about death, and it fell through the top of my head. Mm-hm." She sobbed, Harry walked to the book in question and picked it up.
Harry said" It was Hagrid. Hagrid opened the chamber of secrets 50 years ago."
Hermione said" It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be."
Ron said" We don't even know this Tom Riddle. He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch to me."
Harry said" The monster had killed somebody, Ron. What would any of us have done?"
Hermione said" Look, Hagrid's our friend. Why don't we just go and ask him about it?"
Ron said" That would be a cheerful visit. Hello, Hagrid. Tell us... have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?"
Hagrid said" Mad and hairy? You wouldn't be talking about me, now, would you?"
We four said" No." He's bloody giant, how is he so quiet?!
Harry said" What's that you've got, Hagrid?"
Hagrid said" Oh, it's flesh-eating slug repellent. For the mandrakes, you know? According to Professor Sprout, they've still got a bit of growing up to do, but once their acne's cleared up, we'll be able to chop them up and stew them, and then we'll get those people at the hospital un-petrified. In the meantime, though, you four had best be looking after yourselves. All right?" We nodded," Mmm." He walked away from us, Neville ran up,
He said" Harry... I don't know who did it, but you'd better come. Come on!"

We ran into the dorm and Harry's things were thrown about, his bed destroyed,
Hermione said" It had to be a Gryffindor. Nobody else knows our password. Unless it wasn't a student."
Ron said" Whoever it was, they must've been looking for something."
Harry said" And they found it. Tom Riddle's diary is gone."

I was looking for Hermione, she's gonna miss the quidditch match, I immediately went for the library, because knowing her, she's probably either heading there or heading from there. I froze as I saw her petrified, I pulled out my wand and looked around, no one was around! I breathed heavily, staring at her, my legs gave out and I crashed to the ground, pulling my knees to my chest and tucking my chin in. I started shaking...

Teachers found her, I couldn't move,
McGonagall said" Mr. Black!" My hand gripped my wand even more if that's possible." Oh, dear... Mr. Black, let go of your wand, now." My nails dug into the palm of my hand, my grip worsening till someone zapped my hand and I released my wand.

McGonagall came in with Ron and Harry, Madam Pomfrey had the palm of my hand bandaged.
McGonagall said" I warn you. This could be a wee bit of a shock." They walked up, I stood up,
Ron said" Hermione..."
" She was found near the library. Along with this. Does it mean anything to either of you?"
Harry said" No." Harry held her hand, I looked at him, we've got to find whatever or whoever is doing this. And stop them.

We were in the common room, McGonagall entered.
McGonagall said" Could I have your attention, please? Because of recent events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately: All students will return to their house common rooms by 6:00 every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions. I should tell you this. Unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught... it is likely the school will be closed."
Harry said" We've got to talk to Hagrid, Ron, Aiden. I can't believe it's him, but if he did set the monster loose last time, he'll know how to get inside the chamber of secrets, and that's a start."
Ron said" But you heard McGonagall. We're not allowed to leave the tower except for class."
" I think it's time to get my dad's old cloak out again."

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