Chapter 4

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It was Saturday. The day of the football game that Jo had agreed to attend along with Maeve— and she was dreading it.

When she had awoken the morning after her and Adrian's little hang-out, it surprised her to realize that she had gotten a full night's worth of rest. Her head hadn't hurt, she hadn't felt nauseous, and most of all, she was confused as to why that was.

Jo had texted Adrian right after getting ready for the day, thanking him for tucking her into bed the night prior and to let him know that she would in fact be going to his football game that Saturday. He had replied with "It was my pleasure, amore. I'm glad you'll be there. I'll see you later."

At the moment, though, it seemed as if accepting his invitation to such a large social event was the worst idea Jo had ever had. 

She was currently in Maeve's apartment getting ready for the game with her. Her best friend was lucky enough to be able to live off-campus, and her small apartment was quite homey and aesthetically pleasing, making it the ideal place for the two of them to spend time together.

"Maeve, I don't think it's necessary to wear matching shoes, just pick whichever ones you can find."

"No, I swear, I put my white converse in this damn closet like a week ago! I'll find them."

Jo tsked,  a smile painting her lips. This girl was the definition of extra, and she loved it. 

"Aha! Told you!" Maeve emerged from her closet with a pair of white high tops a minute later. 

"Great. Now put them on so we can get going or else we're gonna be super late." Jo whined, anxiously fiddling with the zipper of her jacket. 

Maeve quickly donned her shoes, muttering a few curse words in the process, and then they were off.

"Do you want to play some music, J?" The hazel-eyed girl asked from the driver's seat. 

"Mhm." Jo connected her phone to Mae's car Bluetooth and scrolled through her playlist until she settled on the song Graceland Too by Phoebe Bridgers. Sighing, her head lolled back and hit the headrest. 

The ride to the stadium was filled with comfortable silence, and Jo reveled in every minute of it. One of the perks of being friends with someone for so long is that you both learn that it's not necessary to fill every moment together with unnecessary conversation. Especially when heading to a place that was sure to cause anxiety. 

Maeve pulled into the parking lot a little while later. They had made it just in time to get decent seats. 

"Alright, lady. Let's go." She smiled at Jo, easing her nerves a bit. They got out of the car, locked it, and went over to get their tickets. After waiting in line for a bit, they finally paid for their tickets and went to find seats. 

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