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I hope you guys forgive me this is my first time to make a story like this so let's start


Tanjiro are in Zenitsu house kinda they having a sleepover, Tanjiro thought on his self maybe he can confess his feelings to Zenitsu maybe....

Zenitsu:hey Tanjiro you ok you kinda spaced out?

Tanjiro:no I'm fine just thinking something *laugh akwardly*



Zenitsu pushed Tanjiro on the Bed and pinned his arm

Tanjiro:*blushed* ahm... Z-Zenitsu what are your doing?


Zenitsu didn't answer his question just listen to his heart




Zenitsu:do your have a feelings for me?

Tanjiro:h-huh no I'm not *blushed and look away*

Zenitsu hold Tanjiro chin to look at him and he leaned closer to his face

Zenitsu:so you really had a feelings for me...

Tanjiro:I..I really had a feelings for you but I'm to shy to confess, I didn't want you to make you know my feelings I want to tell you...


Tanjiro:it's ok if don't accept my feelings...I'm gonna go now...

Tanjiro get out of Zenitsu grip on him he had a little tears on his eyes, Tanjiro about to open the door and leave but Zenitsu hold his wrist and pulled him to his lap so that Tanjiro sit on his lap, like he was surprised what he did and he completely surprised what Zenitsu did to him next

Zenitsu kissed him Tanjiro just surprised that Zenitsu is kissing like he thought if this a dream he don't want to wake up so he kissed him back




They pulled away and catching there breath

Tanjiro:w-why did you do that?

Zenitsu:why? because this is what you wanted to and this what I wanted to *smile*

Well Zenitsu right that what Tanjiro wanted since they meet

Zenitsu put Tanjiro on bed and top him

Tanjiro:ahm... zenitsu what are you doing?

Zenitsu:*leaned on his ear*make a love with you *smirk*

Tanjiro:uwah!- Zenitsu! *Cover his face*

Zenitsu removed Tanjiro arm around his faced and kissed Tanjiro and Tanjiro kissed him back later Zenitsu enter his tongue on Tanjiro mouth and exploring on it, while Zenitsu hand removing Tanjiro shirt and his short







Tanjiro: Z-Zenitsu please be careful this is my first time *blushed*

Zenitsu:I will teddy bear~

Tanjiro blushing mess while Zenitsu laugh and start to trust Tanjiro, Tanjiro yelp in pain a later Tanjiro moaning



I feel bad on myself right now (╥﹏╥)

Zenitsu kissed Tanjiro and lick his neck

Tanjiro:Ngh~... Zenitsu~

Zenitsu leave Tanjiro so many hickey around his body especially his neck





Yeah I'm a laziness girl


Kanao:so~ how's the night Tanjiro *smirk*

Tanjiro:*blushed* huh? What are you talking about Kanao

Aoi:awe come on Tanjiro it's all make sense that you and Zenitsu are dating right now am I right?

Tanjiro:well yes...

Nezuko:ohh~ that's why you have so many hickey on your neck he completely good at it, how many rounds that you and Zenitsu did?

Tanjiro:*blushed* ahm...

Inosuke:maybe they made 3 rounds *smirks*

Zenitsu:nahh we made in 4 rounds *hug Tanjiro on back*

Tanjiro: Zenitsu! *Blushed*

Zenitsu:what I'm just saying the truth *kissed Tanjiro on check*

Aoi:woah!so who is the top on the relationship?

Inosuke:isn't that obvious Monitsu is the top

Kanao:yeah make sense

Tanjiro:this is so embarrassing, this your fault you leave me so many hickey *puffed his check*

Zenitsu:what?~but you like I teddy bear~

Tanjiro just blushed

Aoi:so...when are you gonna make out Kanao and Nezuko

Kanao:shh Aoi your mouth *blushed*



The end

Kinda cliffhanger (╥﹏╥)

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