chapter 1 - I Hate Mornings

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!TW! ADHD, Panic attacks, fighting, Anxiety, twitching/tics, swearing, offensive gay slurs and Homophobia

~George POV~
I woke up to the sound of screaming and sat up in bed I listened through the cracks in my door.

"HES NOT GOING TO GRADUATE, HES STUPID! WE MAY ASWELL GIVE HIM UP FOR ADOPTION!" I heard my mom scream from the other end of the house.


I fell to the floor, I started holding my breath and then breathing really fast I was crying and I had a million thoughts running through my head at once but I couldn't do anything with them. I was having a panic attack. I didn't know what to do so I kept on panicking. I knew it wasn't helping but I couldn't stop.

2 hours later my mom came into my room.

"GET UP! Your gonna be late for school!"

I stood up and walked over to my closet, I was still crying but my eyes were getting dry and I had mostly got my breathing under control.

I started twitching like crazy but after a couple moments it stopped.

I looked through my wardrobe for something to wear. I eventually decided on a blue hoodie and a pair of black jeans. I changed into it and realised that if I didn't leave the house in the next five minutes I was sure as hell going to be late for school. I grabbed my bag put on some sneakers and went downstairs. I grabbed a sandwich, an apple and a bag of m&m's. I then ran out the door before anyone could yell at me.

I saw a bird fly near me and got distracted which resulted in me running into someone because I wasn't looking.

"Are you hurt?"

"No" I answered

I was the one who fell over, he managed to stay standing. He offered me a hand and I took it, helping me up.

"I'm Clay, what's your name?"Clay asked

I didn't like talking to people, their weird and all of them find me confusing and strange. But he looked relatively my age and had been nice to me so I thought I should tell him.

"I' name is George" I answered awkwardly staring at him.

Don't get me wrong he was hot and I was blushing but I'm also very socially awkward and I find it hard to speak to strangers.

You may be thinking, oh he's gay! I am, but I don't like telling people. I was beaten up in primary school because of it. I got concussions from being slammed against concrete walls and I came home not remembering who my friends and family were. It went away quickly, but it still happened

"So..uh..where are you going?" Clay asked me.

"UH...I go to Southwest Calvin Highschool, it's just down the road from here..."

"Oh! Uh actually, I just transferred there, I used to live in America, maybe we could walk together?" He asked

I often made decisions about what kind of a person someone was quickly after meeting them. I could look at their posture, their facial expression, their word choices, clothing choices and see what they wanted out of our conversation, I could pay close attention to the way they phrased and said their words, and whether or not they meant it.

Or at least, that usually worked. But Clay confused me. His eyes showed that he wanted nothing from me but to talk, he held himself like he was really happy but also not excited, the way he talked made it obvious to me that he thought I was uncomfortable but that he didn't know how to make it better. I decided that I would talk to him more to see.

"Sure..I'll walk with you" I answered

"Oh cool!" He seemed to be proud of himself for making a friend, even if I didn't really know how I felt about him yet.

Just as my day started to get somewhat more normal, I arrived at school. Normally, I'd keep my head down and wait for Sapnap and Karl by the oak tree, but now I couldn't.

I walked into school standing next to Clay, i immediately looked down and felt tears falling down my face at the price of a single word

"Gay faggot!"

I heard someone yell. I saw a notification on my phone, I quickly opened my phone to check, someone had found a photo of me kissing a guy a couple years ago and spread it around on the internet, even Clay got the notification and saw it. I also knew that Clay would probably hate me now.

"What the fuck dude! Stop being such a homophobic bitch!"Clay screamed

"Yeah!Shut the fuck up!"I saw Sapnap stand protectively I front of me.

I felt someone grab my shoulders and hug me, it was Karl. Both him and Sapnap knew my past and about me being gay. Sapnap was bi and Karl was pan.

I assumed that Clay was just a supportive not-hateful person and that was why he stood up for me.

The crowd started to diperse and I tried to calm myself down.

~Clay POV~
I was surprised at the homophobia at the school. But that wasn't important, what was important was George. No one here knew this, but I wasn't straight. I don't know what I am. I prefer not to put a label on it. I knew that I would like who I liked and that would be that.

I looked at George and his friends. Or at least I assumed they were his friends. George had stopped crying and they managed to make him smile again. He really did seem like a happy and nice person, just a little awkward and a little strange, but I didn't mind.
I saw him start twitching and got a little confused, maybe he got Anxiety tics? Maybe he had tourettes? I don't know.

"Who was that?" I asked

"I think the person who yelled was Zach. He hates George"One of his friends answered "I'm Sapnap by the way, and that's Karl"

"Ohh...ok" I said " why does Zach here George?"

"The guy in the photo of George kissing that dude was Zachs best friend Ian, Zach liked George and Ian knew that, George didn't know, so he got with Ian instead, Zach got jealous and made Ian break up with George but George hated him for it so now Zach hates George" Karl explained "then Ian got mad at George for being mad a zach, cause apparently Ian was toying with George, and Ian became a horrible person. If he wants to George can tell you the rest, but it's not my place to share"

"Oh, thanks, um can I have your guys phone number, all of you?" I asked

"Yeah sure, give me your phone" Sapnap answered

I passed him my phone, he entered multiple numbers and we all walked into school

1136 words
This is where this chapter ends cause I thought it would be too long if I continued it next update will be in about a week maybe less though.

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