chapter 15

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Kissing stiles strokes the dragon within me, she knows he is my soulmate, I have never felt this before.

It takes a lot for me to lightly push him away in order to stop from kissing him.

His eyes are still closed and he is only inches away from my face, "wow" he utters

He still has his hand on my face caressing me, I can feel him pulling me back to him for another kiss but I have to stay strong and not give into his perfect soft lips. "Stiles, we can't"

He opens his eyes and looks into mine, "I just want to be with you, I can't stand the thought of you leaving my side, even for a second"

It pains me because I know exactly what he's feeling, I feel the same," Think of malia, you will be fine without being with me"

"Will I?"

"Yes" I grab his hands and let them go.

"I know ur lying"

"You and I just have to move on for now."

I feel a gut churning feeling, I know it's coming from him. I look into his eyes and see pain in them, "what is it? What's wrong? "

He looks down and speaks softy, "you said u could handle seeing Malia and I together, but I don't think I can handle seeing u and Derek together, or u and anyone else for that matter"

Wow Derek hadnt even crossed my mind at all, it shocked me to hear him bring up Derek, I still hadn't had time to process anything to do with him, or the fact that he asked me to be his girlfriend before stiles got taken.

"is that completely selfish of me to say?" he asks me

I chuckle lightly thinking of the how he reacted the day i met Derek , "are you jealous? "

He must know what I'm thinking of because he rolls his eyes and tries to hold back a smile then he gets serious to think about the question, "yeah I guess I am, will you stay away from him for me"

I want so badly to say yes, but I know that if I have Derek or someone it will keep my mind off of him and Malia, "stiles I can't make any promises"

He rubs the back of his neck and looks down again, "I know I'm sorry it Was stupid of me to even ask"

"no it wasn't stiles u were just being honest, the truth is I just need a distraction,
If not then u are always on my mind"

He sighs, "it's gonna kill me to see you with any one"

"I will try to not be with him around you if that'll help"

"not really but thanks, so back to this ritual thing, I can't go through with this unless I know for sure that you will be OK"

"I promise u I will be OK stiles"

"alright that's all I need to know when it's over I will try my hardest to protect you until u regenerate"

"I know you will"

He gently pulls me into him and wraps his arms around me hugging me.

I breathe in his scent and feel complete. This is gonna suck not being with him.

"so I guess now it's time to get back to the real world huh? "

"unfortunately " I reply

I stay in the room as stiles breaks our hug and walks out to the waiting crowd of his friends, "so who's ready ?" I hear him ask them.

"your gonna do it then, your gonna let her heal ur soul? " Malia asks snidely

"uh yeah, I guess so"

"u doing it for her or for you? " she adds saltily

Oh crap it didn't even occur to me that they could probably hear every thing that we talked about in here, since they all have super hearing abilities, all except the humans.

I feel stiles realize the same thing, and guilt washes over him.

"both of us I guess she wants to do it and I'm gonna let her" he replies smoothly

"well then let's get started" Axel says out loud walking towards me.

He whispers, "she only heard the part when he was telling you to stay away from that Derek guy, and the others just walked back in so I doubt they were eavesdropping."

"but you were"

He smiles then shrugs.

Derek made his way towards us, "um I just wanted to ask if there is anything I can do to help out "

He looked at Axel than me, he didn't seem very comfortable around Axel, who could probably tell so he said, "I will be over there" and left leaving me alone with Derek.

"not right now, but I'd really like it if u would be willing to help protect me until i regenerate". I smile lightly and he returns it.

"of course I will, I just.... Are we OK? " he questions

I glance and see stiles talking to Malia so I look back into Derek's eyes, "yeah we are, I'm sorry about today being so weird I was just worried that something bad was gunna happen to stiles"

"yeah I know it's not ur fault though...about the girlfriend thing I wasn't trying to pressure you or Anything..."

I cut him off, "actually if it's still on the table I'd like to be ur girlfriend "

His eyes lit up he clearly wasn't expecting me to say that, "what? Seriously...yeah it's still on the table um so then we are together "

I kiss his cheek, "we are"

He smiles and holds my hand with pride. I feel an aching inside of me and glance at stiles who quickly wipes away a stray tear and looks somewhere else.

I'm Sorry stiles. I don't want to cause you pain.

I Can Be Your Hero (A Stiles Stilinski /teen wolf fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now