A little history

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"So, this particular dragon ritual Hasn't been done in centuries, luckily axel and I were both present at the last one."

"It's actually pretty easy, we both have to be in an enclosed circle that protects from dark forces, then someone has to read a passage from the Dragon Codex, which we don't have." Axel states

"Dragon codex?" Lydia inquires

"Its this huge book on everything pertinent in our realm, and it's made of solid gold, and by huge I mean the size of an average human being " he replies.

"Of course it is, and how are we supposed to get a human-sized solid gold dragon book here"

"No need to fret I have it memorized" I say as I grab a pen and notebook beginning to jot down the passage.

"The passage or the book?" Kira questions


"You have it memorized?" Now its Scott who asks

"Mmhmm, I've been alive for a lot of years, plenty of time to memorize important books"

"Oh, wow ok" he replied

"So then Axel, I guess you can be the one to read it"

"Yeah since I'm sure no one besides Tessa and I can read in our language"

While still writing I say, "it has to be done roughly about 3 in the morning under the moonlight "

"Well who needs sleep right?" Stiles jokes

I just smile without looking at him, I can feel him staring at me with his beautiful caramel colored eyes. I want him so badly right now, I bite my bottom lio thinking about his soft lips pressed up against mine, i catch his scent and it arouses me...fuck.

I glimpse at him and see he is also biting his bottom lip and clenching tightly at the counter.

I steady my breath, calm down this would be a terrible place to give in to your urges.

I can't control myself so without any warning I run outside leaving everyone confused except stiles.

I hear Malia's voice, "stiles dont"

Is he trying to follow me, I don't turn to find out instead I spread my wings and launch into the sky.

I instantly become filled with desire and I knows it's coming from stiles, so I swoop down and lift him into the air with me.

"Oh my god!" He yells with his eyes wide open looking down as the ground becomes farther away.... " I don't think I can ever get used to this!"

He continues to move as he tries to hold on for dear life, "quit fidgeting stiles! I got you!"

"I know! I know! It's just all so new to me you know!" He yells out knowing I can hear him perfectly well without the yelling

I just chuckle and think how cute he is.

I slow down and land gently a top a small mountain, I let him go and take a seat on the cool ground

"I'm sorry for just running out of there like that, I just had to get away..." I stop to think about the fact that I didn't want to be in that place near him because he was sending me over the edge " well I guess I really just wanted to get away from you" I chuckle to myself since I ended up bring him with me.

"Heh yeah, I'm sorry about that back there it's just hard for me to hide how much I'm into you" he says as he takes a seat next to me "I just never really expected to be into anyone besides malia, no one has ever really shown interest in me"

I look at him intently, "stiles you're a great guy more than one girl would definitely notice"

He smiles softly, "well then would it be so bad to try this thing out" he says and he points to me and himself

I stop smiling at him and look away as I sigh, "the thing is stiles, idk if it's actually you that's interested in me "

" what do you mean? I thought it was obvious, and isn't that why you said we are soulmates"

I shrug lightly, " soulmates is a link between souls but you have a darkness within yours... that, well ...isn't really you, so I keep thinking about it and what would happen once that part of you is gone"

"Oh, like you think that's the part of me that's linked to you, and not the good part?"

"Yeah, see that night when that part of you showed itself, he said that he's the one who called to me and that you wouldn't be interested in me it's only the darkness that is"

"Well from what I remember about that guy, he's not one to trust, and he would play all kinds of evil tricks on people"

" I guess we will find out once the ritual is complete"

He grabs my hand and holds it in his, this makes me smile and I lay my head on his shoulder, he lightly kisses the top of my head.

"Can we just stay here and not go back?" He asks

"You know we can't"

"What's the incubus like?"

I furrow my eyebrows not expecting his question. I lift my head back up and think about it, " well the one Zarlik wants to resurrect, Malikai I don't really know, that one was banished to the dark realm before I was born, what I do know is he caused a lot of havoc back home, my father was the one to banish him, from what I was told Malikai somehow was able to attach himself to a dragon, Onyx, he was one of my father's best friends, anyways he became possessed by Malikai after some dragon ritual that left his soul incomplete leaving a weak spot for him to possess, so since Onyx was a dragon he laid waste to a lot of the local villages even killed about a hundred dragons. My father met him at the entrance of our kingdom and he fought him, he tried to get a few banshees to help get Malikai out of him but whatever they did didn't work, so my father had no choice but to kill his best friend... as he lay dying Malikai was drawn out and that's when the banshees and my father were able to banish him"

"I thought you said you're species is hard to kill"

"Yeah for everyone else, we can kill each other, but depending on what class dragon you are it's harder to kill some than others, Onyx was a class 4 dragon and leader of the kings armies that made him one of the hardest dragons to kill"

"How many classes of dragon are there?"


"So how did your father end up killing him if he was a class 4?"

There are only a handful of class 5 dragons and those are usually the royals, my father is the king of the dragons"

"Wait what? So like you are royalty?"

"Yes technically but I don't like to say that"

"Wow! That's pretty awesome, so if there are a handful of class 5 dragons and you said there were 6 classes how many class 6 class dragons are there?"

"There is only one, me"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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