We aren't faggots!

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"Oh look its the faggot sally face with his little boyfriend larry." Travis laughed.
"We aren't fucking faggots phelps!" Screamed Larry forming his hands into fists ready to punch him.
"And we are not boyfriends." Sal commented.
Sudenly Larry storms of towards travis and grabs him by his hair. Travis screamed "What the fuck?!?!" Trying to move his head trying to get larry to let go, whatbonly cause larry to pull his hair harder.
"Larry!! Let him go!!" Sal screamed. Larry snapped at Travis "YOU ASSHOLE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE US ALONE."
What Travis answered on "OK OK, IM SORRY I WON'T EVER CALL YOU FAGGOTS AGAIN AND LEAVE YOU ALONE JUST LET ME GO." Travis answered while crying and Larry let go.
Travis runs to the bathroom and locks himself in one of the stalls.
"Don't you think pulling his hair was a bit too much..." Sal said quietly. On what Larry answered "no, nu-uh. Remember that he pushed you in ur face last week?" "I do..." Sal commented.
"Then leave him be." larry said. "Atleast he will leave us alone now."
After that they didn't see Travis anymore for the whole day.

{After school}

Back at Addisons apartments Larry called ashley to tell what happened
{in the call}
Ash: so you just pulled his hair and said thosd things?!
Larry: yup! Exactly like that.
Ash: so let me geuss he's gonna stop bothering us now?
Larry: thats what he said he would
Ash: did something happen after that?
Larry: well Sal said i went too far and Travis just ran away. I think he went to the bathroom because we didn't see him for the rest of the day after that.
Ash: yeah he probably went to the bathrooms. Anything else that happened?
Larry: oh yeah! Sal ran after Travis and had a conversation with Travis. Or atleast thats what Sal said.
Ash: did he tell you tho what they talked about?
Larry: no he didn't, he said Travis wanted to keep it private. When i saw Sal again he did look kinda upset tho...
Ash: that weird... Well i do got to get going now. I have to eat dinner.
Larry: alright, i'll see you tomorow in school
{end of call}

(Word count: 379)

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