Chapter 2: Macy

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Chapter 2

Isa and I have been taking walks around the Subdivision several times today and the entire time it seemed like something was bothering her. I don't know if it's because of either Kim and I or about something else. She always tells us everything.

Maybe she's just worried about her grades and her future again. That's probably it.

"Hey, mom. How was..." I greeted my mom, Crisel, cheerfully when she and her siblings arrived from their trip and it was only then that I realized that I had no idea where they went.

She smiled then hugged me tightly. "Hello, dear. Tokyo was amazing. We closed several deals and we were able to see the different tourist sites while we were there. Can you believe it? Now, where's your brother?"

"Kyle! Get down here! All the parentals are home." Once I said that he came rushing down.

"Mom! You guys are back. How was..." He looked at me, asking me where they went and I just whispered where they went. "Japan?"

"Great." Was all my mom had to say to him.

My brother's a slaker to say it bluntly. He doesn't take his studying seriously because he knows that there's always going to be a position open for him in our family business. After failing most of his classes, my mom got so mad at him that she already told him that he was to get his own job because he is no longer welcome in the family business.

My brother was so freaked that he tried to raise his grades but he was just too far behind. Now, my mom just treats him like dirt. He deserves it.

When my dad, Rey, found out however, he was so mad that he nearly broke my brother's arm. He threw some huge and heavy object and attempted to hit my brother but failed. The reason why my dad heard about the news late is because we live with our mom. Yep, that's right. My parents are divorced.

My mom caught my dad cheating on her with her assistant. Typical huh? My mom was so mad that she filed for a divorce immediately. When my dad got home that night, the locks were changed and all and I mean all his belongings were outisde. Some in the pool, actually.

"Hello Aunts and Uncle. I hope your trip was fun."

"It was actually very fun." Aunt Jennifer responded while Uncle went off to the kitchen.

"Where's Uncle Michael?"

"Out. Where's Macy, where are my little girls and Luke?" Aunt Tiffany asked, the mother of Kim.

"Kim's out; Lily's at soccer; Marianna's sleeping in her room; and Luke's probably with a girl. I haven't seen him since last night."

Luke, Marianna, and Lily are Kim's siblings. Marianna's the eldest and Luke's a year older than us, then Kim and lastly Lily.

"Where did Kim go?"


"What do you mean 'out'?"

"Out of the house."

"And exactly where is that?"

"Call her?"

"Macy, I know that you know where she is."

"I don't actually." She'svin the gym again. The reason why I haven't told her is because she's not exactly allowed out alone.

"Tell me or else. Your mother is right there you know."

"Ask...Kyle! Kyle was the last one to see her." Then I ran up to our room and found Isa reading, again.

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