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While I do love being in the countryside, sometimes it's nice to be in the city too. Scratch that, it's nice to just travel around and be free. I'd love to do it more, how about you?

"Hey. Hey! Are you awake mister?"

When I opened my eyes, I was met with the gaze of a curious child, looking down on me. His hair was a mess mash of ginger-brown curls and his eyes were as big, large and innocent as ought to have been expected of someone his age. He dressed as I imagined a chimney sweep might, in ill-fitting clothes clamped beneath the straps of hide overalls.

"How did you get in here then..."

Sitting up, I brushed the hair from my eyes and stared out at the golden scenery around. For miles ahead, there were great fields of amber wheat growing tall against an aqua-marine sky. The clouds were so perfect, I might have even called them picturesque, had it so obviously not been a dream.

I could've sworn I fell asleep in my bed last night. No. I definitely did. I live in a city anyway. There isn't anywhere like this for quite some distance. Yet there he laid, stretched out on a hill at the cusp of field and woodland.

"Where am I...?"

"You've passed out just outside the town of Fairview mister. I found you on one of my collection runs." The boy took a few steps back and pointed at the basket full of herbs that sat behind him. There was quite an assortment of them, which meant the child was either meticulous or piling up whatever he could find.

"Fairview... hmm... why are you collecting those herbs?"

"I'm an apprentice for the alchemy shop in town. I come here to collect ingredients and then they use magic to make medicine." The boy bounced as he explained his role in the process. He seemed to be about 7, much to young to have been any kind of legal apprentice where he had come from.

Wait... he said magic... did I hear that right?

"Magic sounds pretty useful..."

"Yes mister! Do you have magic? Magic can be used for almost anything! You can make fire or water, or use it to make medicine. Some people even use magic to help in their homes." The boy continued to bounce and act as any child might when quizzed on something they were passionate about. But I wasn't about to complain, when he was providing so much information for free.

"I've never really used magic. I've been more interested in travelling." I offered the explanation with a smile, hoping it was enough to appease the question. Technically, I hadn't lied. So I don't want anyone telling me I'm awful alright?

"A traveller... hmm... like an adventurer so? Or a merchant maybe? You don't seem to have anything on you?" The boy looked me up and down and then bounced again with a satisfied grin, as though he had gotten all of the information he needed.

I feigned confusion and then started to search around the immediate premises in a panic. It was probably all a dream, but I wasn't about to just admit that this world was somewhat alien to me.

"It seems as though my belongings aren't here..." I started up, insinuating that they might have gotten lost or stolen. "I suppose it's what I get for sleeping by a road."

"That's a shame mister. It happens a lot on these roads though. Unfortunately there are quite a number of bandits around these days." The child spoke as though he were much older and I couldn't help but smile at the silliness of it all. I patted him on the shoulder and finally moved to stand.

"Should you really be out here if that's the case?" I moved my hand from his shoulder and ruffled his hair, pausing for a moment when I noticed the thick grease that had coated it. Still, he had seemed to appreciate the sentiment, so I didn't let that stop me.

Life is a Grinding Montage - Isekai Trash based on Death March. Where stories live. Discover now