Combat Training

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Hi there, when I see artwork like the above I can't help but admire it. I mean damn, people are genuinely so talented.

"I...really appreciate this..."

It took a few days to finally arrange it, but eventually Peter managed to convince the town guard to have a quick sparring session. In Fairview, there were less than 20 guards and quite a few of these were rookies without a sword or spear skill.

So, of course they'd aimed for the only person in the town with both.

Captain Jensen was brawny man of 55, with thick logs for arms and a strap of prickled silver stubble that made him seem both refined and rugged. If nothing else, he seemed dependable.

"Think nothing of it. It's about time some of the youngsters started taking an interest. Keep up practice and you might just make a decent warrior." Jensen hadn't meant that in any kind of demeaning way and instead, probably had been trying to motivate them.

Skill Acquired: Swordsmanship Level 1 (Basic)
Skill Acquired: Spear skills Level 1 (Basic)
Title Acquired: Swordsman
Title Acquired: Spearman

Keeping the skills secret hadn't been essential or anything, but I simply felt as though it would draw too many questions. After all, it wouldn't do to be as strong as some of the town guards. If they attempted to rope me into the military, then I'd need to leave Fairview.

"Well... you'll probably be fine if you stick the the outskirts of the forest and just hunt monster rats or loony roots." Having told Jensen about his hope to go hunting, that had been his advice and so... he was in no real position to refute. After all, any experience would be useful.

What I really need to do, is to level up and gain skill points. It's probably the easiest way to level up skills.

With that in mind, he managed to rope Poil and Peter into entering the woodlands with him. Even if Peter just laid traps and caught a few monsters every now and then, it would help.

"Why are you so interested in fighting all of a sudden? I thought you worked in sales?" Poil eventually pointed out, a little confused as to why he'd been dragged along.

"Ah well I only did sales to make ends meet. But I always wanted to fight and now that I've lost my stock jobs as good as done." I tried to make up an excuse, only to brush it away with an outstretched hand. If he'd come to learn anything, it was that they didn't actually care what his answer was.

They asked out of simple curiosity.

"Right... we'll I suppose we will just have to hope we don't meet anything dangerous" Poil murmured again, only for Peter to attempt to save the morale.

"Well as you said, this is the quickest way to get rich right? Let's go make some coin and celebrate with drinks afterword!" In quite an exaggerated fashion, Peter marched forward with knees raised and arms pumping. It almost seemed like the kind of soldier marched one might see in a child's cartoon.

Around them, the grand canopy of overgrowth casted out the summer sun and stretched foreboding shadows across mounds of dried bark and moss.

While I was never the most knowledgable when it came to plants, I could say for certain that my world possessed nothing like this one. There were pink rushes as large as me and mushrooms that flowed faint shades of amber and turquoise. The trees grew strange fruit and nuts, which seemed familiar but not.

"I found one, get over here" Poil whispered, gesturing with his fingers for us to come closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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