Part Eight-After The Stream

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After the nerv wracking stream Zak wanted to grab a bite to eat. "Hey Darryl do you want to come and grab a bite to eat?" Asked Zak. "Sure" Darryl responded. "Where are we going to eat?" Asked Darryl.

"I was thinking we could go to Burger King. It's easy" responded Zak. So Zak and Darryl walk outside to their car and got into the car. "Alright let's go" Darryl said.

When they arrive to Burger King and get out of the car Zak feels like a thousand eyes are starting at him, when in reality there were only 13 people in the Burger King. When they enter the shop however everyone is starting at both of them.

One man points to both of them and Zak could hear him wisper to his wife "Look they're both famous, and they both recently got in a relationship. Zak and Darryl pull up to the counter and order thier meals.

As soon as they sit down to eat a boy who looks around the age of 14 walks up to them and says "Hey BadBoyHalo and Skeppy I'm a really big fan and would love a picture." "Sure" they both reply. Zak and Darryl get up and take a picture with the boy. "Thank you" the boy said. "No problem" Darryl replied.

When they leave the Burger King Zak takes Darryl's hand and says "follow me." They both walk back to the car and got in the car. "What's so special about the car?" Asked Darryl. "I'm going to drive you to a surprise spot" says Zak.
End of part eight.

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