Chapter Two

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I got up and sneaked in the town again. With out nobody looking I went inside a building and found clothes. I held it in my mouth and ran out the building. Then I went in the forest one again. My triforce started glowing. I was slowly turning into human again. I looked at my ears and saw that they looked diffrent. They weren't pointed, they were round. "Whoa" I thought. "Is this how human ears look like?" I got changed, and then I walked into town. I tried my best to be one of them, and hoped nobody would interact with me. I didn't know how to talk there language in this form. So I didn't talk. My plan was going out good until I bumped into someone. "Huh? Who are you?" He said. "Crap" I thought. My face turned red and I got nervose. "Wait" said someone familiar. "His face, it looks like the wolf we saw yesterday! Your name is link right?" I noded. "I'm cody And the one you bumped into is Tyler" "are you ok? You look like you'd gone through something big" said tyler. I wanted to answer, but I couldn't. "Come on, we'll help you" said tyler. "We're going to hillside high school" "well there goes my new life...." I thought.

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