Germicidal Kyrptolights Video

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Viruses and bacteria are a major problem in our modern world. The COVID-19 pandemic has especially been impactful. It has caused shutdowns across the globe, which have caused businesses, and communities to suffer. Many lives and livelihoods were lost in the wake of it's arrival, and it is now going to be a constant part of many of our lives. Luckily there is a quick and easy way to prevent it's spread further; UV lights

For over a century, germicidal ultraviolet light has been scientifically proven as an effective means of deactivating bacteria and certain viruses. It is, however, potentially harmful to humans. Thanks to studies completed by Dr. David Brenner and his team at Columbia University, further research is continually proving that the ranges of 207nm to 230nm, or "Far-UV" is not harmful to humans in appropriate doses.

Kryptolights aims to bring Far-UV lights to every household and business to help stem the spread of bacteria and viruses. We invite you to join the fight with light. Far-UV is not just a technology, it is an opportunity. While the technology has existed for some time, never has the demand been greater to expand its use.

What are you waiting for? Join the fight with light by contacting us at ! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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