It all started :

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Setting : Late night in the character's bedroom.

She just couldn't fall a sleep and had a lot of pending work, piled one on top of another. Laying down on the bed. Thinking and stressing, not knowing what to do or from where to start. With the finals approaching all she could think about was how far behind she was on her studies and how late had she realised that. Then handling dramas in friend groups, in the midst of all she can't let her parents down, and no it wasn't easily not for her.
She is an average student who has to study hard to get decent grades and like most, her parents also had expectations from her of being a good girl one that the society expects of looking good, of having good grades of having proper and flawless manners . As you can understand from that she could not even give a minute to her hobbies. If only her parents expected her to do what she liked it might have been a totally different story.
Thinking about it all she eventually fell a sleep and dreamt about her failing the exams and everything going wrong, exactly opposite of what she had expected them to be or what others had expected from her. In her dreams she felt like falling down a cliff with no hand holdings, no way to stop or reduce the impact of the fall.
Just like life gravity also gave her no mercy, she fell hard on the cold marble floor, wakening up from the impact. An amazing start to a new day don't you think so.

Setting : Early morning in the characters bedroom. (before school starts)

She was still on the floor, grunting, half asleep when her phone's ring tone started blaring. Yawning she got up and saw who might be calling at such an early hour. She looked up at the huge designer clock that hung behind her bed. "Six o'clock seriously,uh" she grunted,"Who just who in their right mind would call someone at SIX A.M., that is totally not fine." Checking her phone she found out that it was her best friend and answered it .
As as soon as she picked up the phone her voice boom in her ears, Rana screeched excitedly into the microphone, "Hi Hina, you won't believe what happened today" she was speaking as fast as a bullet train, without taking even a second to breathe "Me and my mother are going to India tomorrow." She squealed with happiness, "Have you ever been there? I've heard that it is an amazing place." pausing she took a deep breath and again continued at the same pace, "You used to live in India right, is Darjeeling a good place cause we will be staying there for some time, like five days or so."
Hina replied in a very sleepy tone, "To answer your first question yes I did used to live there and it is a wonderful and beautiful place." I paused to yawn for a second and she started to talking in the middle but I did not blame her because I knew she was really exited., "Sorry Hina, my mom is coming I'll need to put the phone down but text me what you were saying.Bye."
"Okay!" Hina replied and almost instantly Rana cut the call.
Hina wanted to say that Darjeeling is a really nice hill station and that they'll have a lot of fun there. She picked up the phone and started texting.
Hina: Darjeeling, a very good choice indeed
Rana: Really can't wait to go
Hina: Darling, it is an amazing hill station, but take some warm clothes. (She wrote this while still being half asleep, thus she didn't notice what an embarrassing typo she had made. She wrote Darling to her best friend, yikes. She didn't even notice it and kept on typing.But Rana she... )
Rana: U mad
Hina: Thank you for the compliment
Rana: Cool but why this //Darling, it is an amazing hill station, but take some warm clothes.
Hina: ?
Rana: Give the phone to Hina
Hina: ...
Rana: Wait till I block you
Hina: ope it is a serious question
Hina: Sorry I mean to write nope
Rana: ...
Rana: ...
Rana: ...
Rana: Srsly
Rana: Forget the spelling of nope learn the spelling of Darjeeling.
Hina: Ooohhhhh noooooooo that did not happen
Hina: Pretend like this never happened
Hina: It must have been the auto-correct
Hina: I'm so sorry
Rana: It's okay
Rana: For the first few minutes I thought that this girl has going mad or maybe you're sister has taken your phone
Hina: Sure even I think that I'm going crazy... I wrote it and read it again without even noticing once.
Hina: How can I be so stupid
Rana: Really you did not notice what you wrote Darjeeling as... like darling srsly.😂
Hina: No I didn't notice, and I feel sooo stupid
Hina: And please delete those messages from your side please
Hina: Here I'm ashamed and you are going on laughing
Rana: 😂🤣😂🤣
Rana: Yup
Hina: *Rolling my eyes*
Rana: Ok bye, class is starting in a few minutes
Rana: ttyl
Hina: Ok bye

That incident woke Hina up completely, her silly spelling error... more like the silly auto-correct spelling error was definitely embarrassing but necessary if you ask me. Comparing to what happened and how she felt the day before, this incident lightened up her mood and helped her to focus on the work she had in hand. When ever she felt the pressure of work in in that week she thought about this incident, smiled, felt embarrassed and again refocused her mind in to doing what ever she was doing or had to do.
That day she understood that life was full of mysteries and surprises and also that comic relief is not only a thing in stories and novels but also in real life.

I hope you liked the the story. Please give me your opinion if you want any more chapters in this and if yes also tell me what more will you like to read in that chapter because I'm kind of out of ideas.
This is my first time writing so I'll really appreciate it if you support me and my writing.

And well of course needless to say : THANK YOU FOR READING !!!

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