How to make the bestest marconi 😫👏

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Today🙍‍♀️bestays🐵, Ill 💩be💪 teaching👩‍🏫 yall 🧓how🤨 to 😬make🥄 the 😫bestest👏 and🤏 doodliest🤐 macaroni .🥣

step 1: take macaroni, if you don't have it, go to da shop and buy some, you lazy ass.

step2: put it in a bowl with some water and boil it.

step 3: go outside(stream it) find soil, pour water, and mix, take the mud, and cum inside.

step 4: take the macaroni out of the water and splash the water on your older sistah and say that it's dog piss. 

step 5: add the mud to the marconi to make it chocolaty. *smiles* *looks into camera and stirs* (it lookS like chocolate and might taste like it same haha)more the worms the better it will be.

step 6: cut paper into bits and paint them. SPRINKLES YAY.

step 7: add dem sprinkles in the macaroni.

step 8: stir aggressively, your chocolaty macaroni with sprinkles is ready

step 9: put the macaroni in a pot ( mAcAroNi iN A PoT ThAtS SoMe WeT ASs pUtHY)

step 10: eat


definitely try this at home *smiles* *whispers* don't 

definitely try this at home *smiles* *whispers* don't 

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wot happened to me.

k bye pip pip *flies away*

@xxxwhoisthisxxx IS THE BEST SISTER IN THE WORLD 🙂

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