How to annoy tf outta your sistah

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If you have an annoying sistah but you are the more annoying-er sistah and you're bored and you wanna annoy your sistah, but you have no idea what to do.... I got you budd.

 10 ways to annoy your sistah *laughs demonically*

*Ask her which song annoys her the most and sing it loudly till she explodes and run away after that(this part is important)

*Make the most annoying noise when she's studying, she'll say she'd kick you, butt who cares huh?

*Tell her that you feel ugly, she'll laugh and agree with you, then say that she's uglier, she'll flip.

*Play no control when she's on a zoom meeting. (this works the best).

*spam her with 💩 emoji :D

*Rickroll her several times.

*Make a mess and blame it on her (This won't for me bc my parents already know that I'm the messy pig and she's the clean bee in the house :"))

*Throw a remote at her (I actually did that once haha, she didn't talk to me for days haha)

*Scribble on her school work. (I did this once and she did the same to me)

*shrink her by doing hocus pocus and kick her. (I haven't tried this...but Im working on it)


Im the younger sistah and I am the manual book to Annoy Someone, I know everything about it.

But this doesn't mean my oldah sistah is an angel, CUZ SHE ISNT!!! 

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I gotta go bath...I stink, if I don't I be ded.

k bye pip pip *crawls away*

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