Chapter 1

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Brinley's POV

     As I entered the unfamiliar building all eyes turned to me. I walked through the halls with confidence and attitude. This would surely make every person that ever made fun of me regret it. I made my way through the winding halls looking for my locker i turned a corner and hit a hard chest. "Watch where you-" he stopped suddenly. "Um-do i know you" he asked. Of  course he wouldn't recognize me. I wasn't the weak little girl he used to bully and toy with back in middle school. I was Brinley Fucking Thomas and he was gonna learn that the hard way. I looked up in disbelief "Yes you do dipshit" i said rudely rolling my eyes. "Well, well, well if it isn't little Brinley Thomas" he chuckled.  He looked down at my chest "Maybe not so little anymore" he whispered in my ear breathing down my neck. I backed up a little "Well i can see you haven't changed a bit Lukey" i said flirtatiously. Two can play at this game.

Tristan's POV

    As i entered the school i made my way toward the freshman wing searching for my locke or Brinn. I was about to turn a sharp corner when i heard two very familiar voices. "Well, well, well if it isn't little Brinley Thomas" I heard Lucas spit.  I peaked my head around the corner to see him eyeing her chest. "Maybe not so little anymore" he spoke into her ear. She backed towards me and quickly hid behind the wall again. "Well i can see you haven't changed a bit Lukey". Was she flirting with him? Im outta here. I walked right around the corner and past them. I heard Brinn behind me yelling. "Tristy" she asked. I stuck up my middle finger and continued down the long spiraling hallway. She eventually caught up. "How much did you hear" she asked concerned. "Enough to know you broke our 1st rule" i spat angrily. She looked down at her green chuck's "I'm sorry i was only kidding". "It didn't look like you were kidding Brinnley" I turned to walk away. "Tristan get ahold of yourself you know i would never be with him" she spat at me. "whatever Brinnley i will see you at lunch" i sadi walking away from her and toward my first class. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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