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Danni McClain - Matt Holt
Takashi Shirogane - Adam McClain
Acxa - Veronica McClain
Rachel McClain - Allura
Keith Kogane - Lance McClain
Akira Kogane - Leandro McClain
Lana McClain - Romelle
Katie Holt - Alaina McClain
Carter - Cylin
Alie - Tatiana
Armory - Cici
Coran - Nora
Hunk Garrett - Shay Barmera

I'm so sorry if any readers who doesn't like my ship in this story.

I have been thinking about how Lance siblings will be hybrid.

All of them have altean blood.
They all have power.

Because their Altean side was an Altean alchemist.

I hope you all like it.
And sorry if you don't like it.

Voltron Hybrid Siblings WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now