Chapter 1

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Me : Were are we, father? Mother?
Father : This planet is save for you and your siblings.
Mother : Promise us, no matter what, you will protect your younger siblings.
Me : I will!
Father : That's my son!
Mother : You're a good big brother.

Hi, I'm Danni McClain. I'm a hybrid, half-altean and half-galra. I'm 12 years old, and I have a twin younger brother, Adam. I have 4 younger sisters and 3 younger brothers, I'm the oldest one. Me, Adam, Veronica, Rachel, Lance, Leandro, Lana and Alaina. My father and mother was also a hybrid, they both were half-altean, half-human and half-galra. So we got mix, not all of us are the same as our parents, only my youngest sisters, Lana and Alaina. Veronica and Rachel was a twin, they were 10 years old, Lance and Leandro was also a twin, they were 8 years old, Lana and Alaina was a special twin, they were born just like father and mother. They were 6 years old, father and mother say they life was in danger to the outside world. That's why we move to this planet, were this planet protect all creatures that not accepted by others. We were running away from the galra, actually only the empire. Father and mother was part of a team calls the Blade of Marmora, father say I will be part of it when I was 16 years old. Only the one who have galra blood can join them, that doesn't mean they doesn't accept the others. There's some of them doesn't have galra blood, they welling to help.

Lana : Big brother!
Alaina : Wait for me!
Veronica : Don't run both of you!
Rachel : You will fall you know!
Adam : And injured yourself!
Me : Alright, stop running!

And they stop running. Lana hold my hand and Veronica. Alaina hold Adam and Rachel hand. We walk together back to our house.
Hi, I'm Alaina. It's already been 10 years seen we run away and hiding from the galra empire. And now, I was 16 years old, I'm the youngest one in my siblings. Our parents when missing about 5 years ago, we have been leaving with each other for 5 years without our parents.

Danni : Time for training!
Adam : Alright!
Veronica : Coming!
Rachel : Hey! Wait up!
Lance : Not fair!
Leandro : Don't just leave us!
Lana : Why's everyone want to go training today!
Me : Must be in good mood.
Danni : Hey, Alaina! Want to join us?
Me : No thanks. I have some business with Kolivan. You all can go training.
Danni : Why didn't you tell me.
Me : Sorry, I was to busy cleaning our house yesterday because of someone making the others almost destroy this house.

Danni chuckle awkward.

Danni : Okay, my fault. Then excuse me.
Adam : Damn right!
Veronica : True.
Rachel : His fault.
Lance : It's Danni!
Leandro : He make us do it!
Lana : Not our fault!
Danni : Can all of you just shut up!
The others : NO! HAHAHA!
Danni : I'm gonna catch all of you!
Lana : RUN!

The others run out of our house and laughing when Danni chase them, I can't help but to laugh too. Even though I'm the youngest one, I have very good knowledge about cooking, cleaning and almost everything. The other creature that been leaving here also happy, because this planet accept them. The reason I say this planet accept them is because this planet is alive, there's a spirit leaving inside this planet, her name was Cristela. And soon there's a calls from Kolivan and I answer it.

Me : Hello Kolivan.
Kolivan : Alaina. It's good to see you.
Me : Me too. What do you want to talk to me about, Kolivan?
Kolivan : It's about Voltron.
Me : Voltron?
Kolivan : Yes, have you heard about them?
Me : Yes, I do. I heard that they're the defenders of the universe. But, it's 10 000 years ago. My parents tell me they all were dead.
Kolivan : Yes, the old one. The new one is humans from Earth.
Me : Humans from Earth!?
Kolivan : Yes, I perhaps you can help us make an alliance with them.
Me : I'll need to talk to Danni about this.
Danni : No need to, I heard all of it.
Me : Eavesdropping is bad!
Danni : Sorry. I don't mind actually making an alliance with them. But, you the one will make it.
Kolivan : That's why I ask her if she can. Because Princess Allura doesn't like galra, even though she doesn't know there's a half-galra amongst her.
Danni : There is?
Kolivan : Yes, his Krolia's son.
Me : I see. I'll help you.
Kolivan : Thank you.
Me : But-
Kolivan : Your siblings can go with you.
Me : There's something else, right?
Kolivan : Yes, it's about the location of the Blue Lion. It's location was close to were you're now. And perhaps if you found the Blue Lion it can convince them to make an alliance with us.
Me : Well, I'll search for it. I just need a spaceship.
Kolivan : There's no need to worry. I'll send Krolia to you with one of our ship.
Me : I'll be waiting.

Kolivan end the call. And I turn to face Danni.

Danni : I will get the others here to get ready.
Me : Thank you.
I just arrived at the destination were Kolivan told me I should go and take some people to make the alliance with Voltron. And then some figured walking to my way.

Alaina : Krolia!
Me : Alaina. Are all of you ready to go to get the Blue Lion?
Alaina : Yes. Perhaps that one of us is the Blue Lion Paladin.
Me : How did you know?
Alaina : Lance.
Lance : Hello, my name's Lance. I'm the Blue Paladin. I heard the lion talk to me about 2 months ago. Saying that I was her paladin.
Me : That's easy for us then.
Danni : It sure is.
Me : Then, let's get moving.

We get in the ship and fly to were the Blue Lion was located.
When we enter Agua's atmosphere, I can feel the connection between me and the Blue Lion.

Me : It's close.
Leandro : You sure?
Me : Yeah.
Veronica : That's mean we go to the right place.
Alaina : Lance. You will go down there and get the Blue Lion.
Me : Understand, ma'am.

Everyone chuckle at my responses. And then I see Krolia try to hide her chuckle. I'm happy when I can make other people smile and laughing. But it's time for me to get the Blue Lion. When we landing, I can here Blue's voice calling for me to come.

Blue : Come, my paladin. I have been waiting for you to find me.
'Me : Blue?'
Blue : Yes, my cub.
'Me : I'm coming for you.'
Blue : And I'm waiting.

I walk to the cave where the Blue Lion is. Have anyone wonder about how come the Blue Lion is in the cave? Suddenly I feel the ground shaking and then I fall down. And when I get up, I saw the Blue Lion in front of me.

Blue : My cub.
'Me : Blue. Should we go?'
Blue : Yes.

And then she change into a cat? That's what I think mother tell me before. She jump on me and she rest on my shoulder. And then I walk out to meet Krolia and my siblings.

Alaina : It seems like its go well.
Me : Yes, it is.
Krolia : Then let's go meet with Voltron and make  alliance with them.

We get in the ship and fly out from Planet Agua.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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